Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 43, 19 February 1941 — Wanted... 500 Sponsors [ARTICLE]

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Wanted... 500 Sponsors

| A list of at least 500 spnnsors to |jfiv« moi-al supi»ort to the Hawali|<tn Clmpttr, C«miultlei? to tVfen«t .1 AuieHoa. \v.is sous:ht h»«tsy t>> I * «peelal jrn>ui>" of | proniinem woiuea residwits of IK»noiulu wl»o nn t iate ,vesterdaj with I officers of iho Ch&)>t*r at the Ho»uv ,}i«iu Ctwml)t»r of Omuum*, J Tbe iaeetius >vas cāll(Hi bi WiU jSoper. Terriiorial reprps*>nt«tive of jthe Cliapt«r. who nrvsl<hM, »«*d» of ihe piwmlneiu woummi prv jsei(lt \Viis fUkii]i«HMi w!th ()k> imhiik |or 15 spo)>sors whose 1 «*UI v\ ili bo *o!idte*l toward su{HH»r{tiug tho CUaptor's aiin of serving: lUie uiost urfr&«t huuitiiM(Hrmn 1 iuvds of dw jH4>uiation of i &ii£lan«k j I"hx l\>iim»issloiior WHI lVrthi wiek, eiuiiiuuan «f lito 1 outlitHsi tii« onpiHi«Htkm o( ih« !K»tMU» niu! jts ot\)*cttv*K t \hMsirtti£ |oi*l Hs pur*>oso was lo !ttuilut«ht thi» mor«)* of th*» tv{mUitlott «f Kn«l*ntl w»«th»r th«> ourtvnt i Mto«ssant lMAi«htni: of (?or««An 'piano*. i "Tho <hctmor> fetvov*hi£ o?t ?*NW> afNNr fttiotfe*r tW $t«t*s i« »M»xt. sv W ' "*>*« «nv o»v <hmht th»t the Vhti«l is 4f »ttvl tho t»tor!t cor.ottor Ca« J «w;<p <to.\!?»t ttv»t wh> i««>t «aaW ssa ! | crUH<*s ihai w« *ttui ! tt*> for] | ?: 1 ' "\\V «>««»'to tho ,»! uUa; , j»is h34|ViW>s to t»«r \ i« rW o>y«t ttkNT *!%<. hss im? jvt^ , V f,ir thiv^fs: ?*«* \u »s ivr] « v \\v. of ~it; , iho ji« lk« it« libL»| - ' ««- s C\r ;|t JU] , V( iK»|; u u'«i 1,% ī l j ' U.-4,«atior, iWin-,sn of xhv j | • > O. < <<C U**V\«.U&Uj !*"•'«■'. »|M« V ) iW v\^urs^ttUon*i I .-.ue 4ggg| u**4\ t*r w! ( »*-*< •• •; |

np Wl* hnS rtihtrihnfe?l appro'rfnTa"tēly 000 worth of *'machines of mercy" to Engiand in the eoiujparativel,y filiort exlstence of the organizatīon in the Territory. Purfhases made P9«lb!c through conlrlbutJoijs d,ude<l 12 Uailee aiubulanv£ ut ap; yroxiinately $35(> eaeh, eiglU mohlle feeding units at āpproxlmately 000 eaeh, and one Dodge specially equipped ambulance at approxim : 1 ately $1,700, or a total of $22,000. j | He added the opinion that the ] greatest assistanee tl;at could furmslied from the United States, Lo at tiie Ume si«ited of fund> to serM' the urgeīii humanitarian needs of En.gland in order to sustain tlie morale those people a»d avert such an uui-r«uce the colla#se ,of OUieu i>r»»eui ut Uie im.'UiU£ iu >iudcd Ken U. w», of tbe puhliciy-ai>ea}i,ers youupiij,££ ihe lluw«ilftu, Ajueflcau : liuru^ ltor iu Hawaii\ lio has speiU ].voars ln Enp!and.

inviU'd .to Uie cluded: Mrs. A. G. Bud«e, Mrs."c ; ! H. Oooke, Mrs. Arthur Greeuwell,j Mrs. Ranny Scott, Mrs. F. I>. Low-] wy, Mrs. E. A. R. Ros«, Mrs. George, 1 H. Angus, Mrs. G. W. Sutuner, Mrs. ] A. A. Scott, Mra James R, Judtl, Mrs. Peter K. MeLean, Mrs. H. M. IV>wsett. Mrs. Clifford KimhaU, Mrs. Stan!ey Kennedy, ilrs. lioward Ellis, Mrs. R. E. siHst, slrs. C. I>unkhase. itrs. Charlcs G. Heiser, Mlss Myra Anjru*, Miss Ilelen Kimball, Miss Daphne Pamou, Mrs. Oiemeui Walker, Mrs. R. H. Carter, Mrs. S. M, Gray, Mrs. Gerald F)sher, Mrs, Harri«>n II Cooke. Mrsr. S. A. I»erUy, Mrs. Tom in?, Mrs. G, R. Carter, Mrs. Willuuu WortUiustou 4 Mr~. Ov»ea Bartlett, Mrs. B. E. R.vcroft, Mrs. H, 1* l>euison, Mrs. W. 11. Soper, Mrs. A. Uaird, Mrs. Uohm U. Catlou. >IrsK. J. Waterman, Mrs. lU»bt'rt M. Co<vk«, Mrs> 1L l»aafwr*L Mis? Marle von HoH, Mīkk AHee Maekmto»h, and Mrs. Hugli Tennant.