Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 42, 12 February 1941 — Army To Keep Vast Supplies In Northwest [ARTICLE]

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Army To Keep Vast Supplies In Northwest

OEPOT NEAR OGDEN, UTAH, WILL SPREAD OV£ft I*l7 ACRE3 By JACK B«ANHAM Utah . —One of the Jargest supplj- depots ever planaee! by the anny Is begiuning to take fr*rm northw«6t of Ogden as work®a«i hasten prel!minBry conslrucrti»t eventOfllly will eonstitate the Og(iea depot. Th« llrst warehouw« are tion on elglit of the 104 war«iiouses IhilH by & Mitinesota firm wnder a 41,706,000 «miracl. Tv(at coet of th« eaUre projet't j* estlm&ted bi the army <iuartermaf<er con>s at ♦14,000,000. No deflnlw date lias wt lor eompieiion of Uie eui lto£e b«Udin£s of tbe 4«pot will make ordiria)ry warehouses iook smaiī. of the storafe strac(.ures will be 182 feet wi?k and €62 ieet Jong, Railroa;! tracks will nm Uown one siOe of eaeh bul)dimi; a, trutk loadi»jg docfc 'lowu, the «. ' &cW«»iv« Trackaae Needed Mwe than 125 isiles of railroad track wiM he laid at the 4epot —' wore tracl:age than used Tjy £fcc Ogd«i u»ioo 54ation, one of the larg«ec raDraad lenalnaU iu tlse west Th» 101 warehouSe? are deslgī)eil to hoid «aulpment, for more thaa ail acm.v po£ts wtot of Chlcago trom its «irategie loe*tk»n, wliieli 1« alaioBt e<i«i-<lts*ant frotu ali lmportant PaeiBc Co»st defen»e oea mm* i TtM> w«»r«rior* <»ii th«» wfti*feott*€# Al Jolii\son &m! Ja»ics U\k of - ims* wUil the eml of 1&(1 to fiuidi their ta>k. [. .«©«.-OiA. e. i constnKiiu? QHftrtennas?er, hoi»e> ii» Mi .C^ : , g(«B5 lo award contrac*s fc»r /*&*r J». ,<B»Ure, em fee rushed %o Kā Am&M'.*

arjmy grows uoder the sele«tive sc*r vice progTam. Thoma« ls ln charge of iht <oiJstrueiion, with Capt. Buloc I. lmU*rd, alsc- qf tt>e y,mvrterDiasters' corps, as resident supervis«r. Sitc % Miie» From 0 8 den T3ae <3e4gimt<"d as ihe Ogtten S«ppiy 1s being huili 011 a 16,617 a<3s i»lot approsi Biatelv two ui!les nort*awe«t of the ogden t)uslaess dls-frkt. Th<? ares set aslde for tbe dej>ot ls & oue-l»y---three-tulle rectangle, bounded m tvro of lts sldes by traasey|jtlnv»tnl railroa4 lloea. T!ie land and wster īigits for tbe area were purc3i&t-ed part"v' bv $100.000 ralsed In 10 dajs by llie Ogden Chamber <jf Ooiainen**, wliU-li donated tbe land to Oie ur my. * PeolMon Af the arte; to j>Uoe tiie depot here was lßflueut*e<S by »he strateyfc ?o«stk>n af Ogd*a. whloīi lii ad4Ks«' to nlemljr <?o«e to the C<»e*t ls withSn a fe* mllt* of tl»e \mrgv laoiklUon» 4epot &t <»f bere; HUI eel<S, n<w Krinj airijr<mif under <X'TJStruc!ior; to t!»e «aonUlon» i?ex H>r t R «- tl ' L«k< Cltja bijUM* 7 of U>e 9th Alr Him' 1 <>f ifī? alr cori»«. riHHSMyJT».- s»n bies iH Ih; Homi «5 ihe wsre le to «£ui«r fle?<l «jaipment, etTlmstt" 2JŪO persons will be pTe-nfoallj at the 3epot.

OOEUK U ALKNE, Ida. Ui«re"? Gvt!iiiig Hi-e £vīUi;g a bid ia e*riv f y r a natk»na; ea&veatUwi, C<n;sir Ukh i&'-i ted Ute ĀmvTtcnEi Sv >jys'i oauoaai f»U)rrtu( lo ihl* Di»rtbcrt, vils 5ū j«»r» f3viu siy*« "l'l«k C<M>ur U'A{«>e ia ' bul lan» wttl &cr wfe«u |bc L 'flß< U1 Sovn«tK>n f<«r . (S-«n 1* *t Uif im'i jK<x't lr» Mi'waukee Poe-i Ni>. II bere expl&ī&s that «ul hf jia>t $0 bjr tfee Hun Ooecr T.k'er.e wants l?<o «»~ , neatīi- i r, s be fs* m u-i. '3&Z :Vni a-in ls&v<i> u> cwtrv i>roponio»f be *bk- tv a r-s'j«x;sC _