Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 42, 12 February 1941 — Special Lenses Made To Help Bomber's Aim [ARTICLE]
Special Lenses Made To Help Bomber's Aim
SOrTHBUtI>GE, Mas s. — Ā glare-protectioa lias l>eeu deslgned'to protect the eyes of ara3j 18ws aud BiaVe tlieir booitlng more accorate. Tliese sper!iil glas>es re<Juce the | su»'s £l&re au«l absorb d&Q£ecuus j !nvisiWo roj#. Thc £overameut i aflopted tl»e iH*w-tj"i>e leu&es au3 ! TOftt!e their si>oclftoi\tioijs sianāur\l. After years of exi>eriiaeulltt£ l t>r, F. T>. Tinyer aml hfs sta!f met paftlal success In ĪOM. They madt a glass by carcfut balancin& of fer pt>us and ferrlc lroa tn£redients aue »d<Ht!on of other oxiiles. Thk« product ga\ e a i»eak cf xuax limim (ransinls?ivHi of useful | do«ely cv4ucldluc wiih Uie peak oā «BfT* of ej-e Th« j ciass *Usorbed ihe «kugefou& iu \ ; ū;.ā uifr.i i\\* Leoses of these hovrever, f ca,used «ewi-e hea&achc;s to iūlois ( tvlK» w orc ili.cn; Kvausc tiiCi vreK I UiccUattkdlls wiikout garO for "i*iu l>ut uow, leascs whleh p*nutt truc e)"e-coordiu«Uoa have heen «Oucd tc peiftvt lUe f«iglcs.
01.TMT'1 A a \\"asii. — • ras iho str,a 1S Hne ctwKi;:." <aiUc rii&Uers U& 3nc tnnks l<> luiul - tx\ tl»e i»onUcutUci iar lUi* yosr. Asr?, «Voio ī*uxad' <f. &&&&$«& rt^)on%. sc\eu UH*vt\vr* «tl \mx \s,iih *mtt o*L.crs»> \c v4ru «iiU I2mui !<m &<*? lt*sfc*cti\>tt tiis& XMj ( th*M 10 J,\fcot\*r*ift trttck. UvX!ttM2 | mmiH 7 "*- v«iU«, *n<J oUK: c\iiiAbcxi w ttw ihe o&alie