Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 42, 12 Pepeluali 1941 — WANT TO SEE A COMET? [ARTICLE]
Reports indi< nte tliat the Cunningham comet is defiiiUely ! ; here in Hawaii to the naked eye although reports'from the Mainland ] would iodicatc tli;n ti <nn only be seen througli powerful telesco|)e». ! Lateat /r«tK>r(- indicatc that lf one wlli 100k s '|n3he jyu^hwf^terii' eveaiog gfey, soutiiwnrd froni the brlght plaaets, iTupiter and Salurn,l
o«rt jußt Bouthwest of a reddlsh star in the constoliation of Cetus, the Cunninghaju t'omet will he seen. It Is reported to look like a hazy third inagnitude star, with its tail gweeping upwards and to the left, for fully ten dciirees. From its
position and moveraent, it sbould be -rislble for some Oiiie» despite tlie increasing ar»ount of iuoooUglit It is reported uaoving rapi<Hy, in a northeasterly direetion, towards Orion. I .