Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 42, 12 February 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

HILO ■ T«toy, L**t Time« 'THEY &NKW W;HAT TIIEY WANT3SD" with and Charles Laugh{on. Tomorrow Only "CHARTEK PILOT" \vith Lloyd Kolan au<l Lyim Bari Friday Oniy 'IiANK DICK" W'ith, W. C, Fields and Una , Saturday dnly "EAST OF THE KlVfeß" witli Jolin Garfleld and Brendk Marshall $unday and Monday "COMIUDE X" wsj Clark Gahle aad Hedy Lamarr s and Wednosday, next week "KEEPINO COMPAXY'' wiUi Frauk Morgaa, Ami Ktitherforti , uuU Johu Shelton PALAOE Toctay and Tomorrow OVJBK NEW YOttK" with Sidney Toler nnd Mitrjorie Weaver "BILLY THB KIU IX TEXAS" with Bob Steele Frlday and Saturday j"SAWING GANTINGPALA" with Mila Dei Sol.

Evening Only j "jrx.TTo inr<>An" with "Murata Chieko ānd Tzome Blilro T "MItASOYO 3"] with a of .Tapanese plnyers.J Sun<jjtf and Monday , "OUT J\'K§.T WI PII TIIT3 rERS* r wUhi fid■ 1 h ows "" T sl h >OTEUS'' ' ] T«*«day only I "ALL'THIS, AXn IIEATEX TOO"j with Bette Davis aiul Chartes Bo ! yer ]