Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 41, 5 February 1941 — Solidify Clouds To Stop Bombs [ARTICLE]

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Solidify Clouds To Stop Bombs

MKLBOUJtNE, Aus. — Even in Australla people are endearorlng to soive tiie probieca of pro(«tion of cltles agalnst alr raids. Slnce the natbreak of war, mor£ than 6,000 iQventions have been sabraltted to Aa»traliaa Artny Headqaarters, for tnvestlgation by the InTeßtīons Board, acd severa3 have been seot to the War OKiee for conelderation. isa*l? tn the war, when thse ttrvasīo?i of Great Brttatn wa? !mm!neßt, At3StraT!an inrentors prort<!ed a āeiuge of i<ieas for preventlng a Tafl3lng. The bombing "Lonāon Īe3 to Id>eaBf far "eotanTērfnjr lhts| uienaee, including a suggesi!on forl soli(iifylng tl»e cloud» and thus In-| i u*r<<ej»Ung pp<ynj bombers. Most of'

tfie idea§ sd6mltted l«ive b«ea loipraetlMe, «r laekln# Je oH^Bdltty,