Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 41, 5 February 1941 — I-I Pilots Study For Examinations [ARTICLE]

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I-I Pilots Study For Examinations

A>uriog Ui« lew jou| *wy haw aeon ono of th« SJfeorvki- ] of ihe lutor-l!iliiit«3 Si'lrs4i urooad Uilo. llad you watohed lt oar«*uil> you woulU probabi>- ha\e xw»U«eU Uiut tliore was a defiulto Otirectiou lu uiost of its Ihe r«asou that tho Pilou of the oompaui are &ow stu«3ylag to take exauiinatioiis for " hliue!™ or ■'•hoaui*' flying so tl»oy ean bo certi&ed I,'uolo Saiu aud eome iu on the "beajui" when tli« weatlier ls |Sick gr tUo low. ] j At prosojiU if the eoiiiHjj, whioli is how fur up ou ean see an ]is lej?s thau 1000 foet tho pilol uiust ]laud at the first airiK>ct ho eomes to |«&d awaU a lim»vg of th« <«iUug j hoforo provociling Whon ho fs"cvri tinod .<o tli:it lu' oan oomo iu on ihe ]"beanr he aHowo<l .1 eētttTi£ \n somo lnstiu;t'os as low u< Aml whon tho hoaai is used t*he safoty of ihe oeaiini»ts i* jjtvat. or greatMr wlih a low rogular w??h * 1000 ft. Bo wUon jou tV,o ] Hy!ng ovor TO'o «Jurl!i£ t"ho Bosl Co\\] Iwek?: yon oan know that the II j trt $t«d,vtnfr fot Uiolr «xami-i natloris «=o that tliov atx* wrt!so3 %j the ffovorniueiU au«l aro tiUaHSal to hriug planos lu on tho >ax" "1 fim att««jpts it is uaOeT-| I ssn>od *ro QTitte aimcalt for the pflot, j operatos in a olo«e<l oe I eoo\jjit S0 lio eamw* Soo oul any , j 4irectlou auO oau ouls t<U froai hb! j iusirvuuenlf auu his r&vlio, *chal hs, [i$ joitts aihi whewī. 1