Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 41, 5 Pepeluali 1941 — Australian Pilot Conquers Nazi [ARTICLE]
Australian Pilot Conquers Nazi
OANB»IU, Aub,—After a 40mile «hasp ewr the Engl!ft!i Ohannel daflH!¥ -wWeh r«p«« of 500 m!!es ao ■*wwr was attalned, a 24-jear-oia ABBtralian piiot shot <3own a Mea r Be«tehm!tt fighter-boml»er In pleces. fThe eTeot made the slxtli "certainfty" tor FHght-Lieutfcr*ant C. <3. C. Olive, D, S\ e. of Brisbane. He hai an a«Mltional 13 "possible" Naz! crashes to his seore.' " 'WTt6 -was In eomiaan'ā of tlire€ Bpttfires near Portsitioutli wlieu aa-fl-alrcraft fire announeeā fhe prēsenee of a rataer.' The Spltftrec *Ntnl>eir Trooj M.WO lō 2£ooo feet ten<t shw the i*ai3er fhree jnlle? away. He Turaefl ari3 3lve<S towkr(3 the ehannel. During the dive, n Bpeed o( 600 m.p.h. was attaiued and It Tas 40 m!les before the Naai wfts in ruT\ge. "I got hlm In knge, kept my thnml> on the pan button anrt !et him hare it." said" F!igfit-Lieot, t)!lve descrll)sng tlie event "He just twsnt to plew®. Part of h!s ta!i flew 6ff, tt>en the rest wa? shot awaj. I saw the «wltng ptates an« «Uer parts fiy off the sides, Then t>ne ent?lne Wew up aM tKe other ranght Bre. Fīna!!y the fnselage Wev tip and the cowßng eame oW. |a hnpe stretched T>ehsnd llie I plane, Wnek sniolce. tt h]t the |-wtrtfff at tremendo«s stp?M. Nobo3y