Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — U.S. Relief Map Weighs 10 Tons [ARTICLE]
U.S. Relief Map Weighs 10 Tons
WELLHSLIvV„ ~ I4H« »oria» l<M-jf«st )tates uiB(j waKO'L buiU lu a d*j. lt ias juat Ueeo compJeted after 17 ea.rs of toastryction. The $150,000 proJect cover» 3,000 ;uuare feet aod is io a spe-ūalii"-eoiD»tructed buil<liDg at BabK>a lA&titut«. SiMK'tators view the LO-uhi relief modei from & 15-foot >alct*nj. From Atiantic to Paeific the map &easares 64 feet aad from Caoada :o MexicO, 46 feet. Oee ineh repre ie»ts four miies. It the lo be buiit on a curved syrface. Tb€ :ar\e rises 7 feet io eiact proiwrti«c to ihe eartli's <-ur>ature. lio«er W. liabsou, featlstidau ain] (uuader of Uie lustitute, i'oncetvet3 Lhe giact-mttp i(tea, Uudog th« Worid War. Willi otSwrs be orga aized in 1 S£J & r.aU«,ruul ump eotu iuittee whieh rai.se<l fun<ls ft»r i>rojecL Ttoe Harvard gec»graphic sc-ulptor U««rfe Carrwll Curti«, wus liim but tiied two years after l>e£iauiu| ut»k, Work proc<Hfded sj>wsuiv> uutU Jaouttr}, IWS, wbei S4-year-oid WaOa' ? W. Atwwd Jr,, i>f Ciark uiilven«it4' took charge Tl» moāei h&a buff-colored lan< *t«l blue water bouies. >It Whii ue>- iu California, the natioD'.< higl) est momiuin, stauds 4 1-4 inehee oi tiie maj> though it realb is 14.49i ieet bigb. LH-. Atwood sayg tl«e euap woul< kave tremeQ<k>us iuiHt«ri value du da»K *mtr~time. "Aīrpiam? pjiotj «o«W be taogi)t tl»e countrjr*# topo l?raphy. Also if the Caited St*te w«* »tt*cked. the map wooīd 1> mhM lo p4»aaing H|)d <Uf**tlng d« Tw«lve huiiUm! molihni pU«tt «I p*ri« bk>ckB fortn tliat uiap'; K«ch W»xk me&sor£s *geee }«titude oo« degree K-ogl tWfe. ' ' ' #*» «**}>«•&!-» on tlie ujrj 4eowe & battery of stereoptieoJ n*diis«B will c*«t on-to it markiti£ of (aiiresd ltse«, <rt«te bovuidaries papaiaooo «re*s or anj v be stttQied.