Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — Ota Trial Set For Feb. 17th [ARTICLE]
Ota Trial Set For Feb. 17th
PleadSng not guilty to charges of crliulual Übel, Judgo .1. Frank McLuughlln hae set Fpbru:ir.v 17th as the date for trlal of tlie ca.<<\ Attorney Wni. C. Aohi, rcproKcntiHK for m-.i \vas j:r!iuto<l a }ury trlal. r>epuiy Ci>uuty Attor«ey Tom Okluo Js hmnlliu}: tho caso for tht" Terrltorj. Tlw cliarge of criuiiiia' llbel was I>rought ftgatust Oia ns a !'osult ot alleged statenients C(in(.*erultig Attorney Martln r<?u«:e during th« election oampa!gn las-t Fsll.