Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — President's Birthday Dances Scheduled February 1st. [ARTICLE]
President's Birthday Dances Scheduled February 1st.
Chart<»9 L. Murray, rhairman of the Big Island Coivnuittee for the Olebration of the Presidenfs Birthday, left yesterday ruorning for North Hilo, Hamakua and the Kohalae to meer with Distriet Chairjnan of hls Committee. H« ptans to see Wm. S. Lindsey. North lnto Chairman : IrviDg Jen Hamakua eiiainuau; Kalpli Mnrray, South Kohala Chairraar and George Nortli Kohalī Chairmt»n. "I wlll revlew T\-ith thpse mer thelr pinns for tlie <i!inpeß to h( held it) their r"espeetlve-dlstrtrts of Satūrdny eventng, Fehrnary 1t behalf ot the Canipaiim ajratn!?t In fantlle Paralysis," roniarl?ert Mr Murray as he left. "I w!ll also g< over «-Hh them lbe proposert pro grain to d!strft»ufo thrftughout fh< sohools of dlstricts the srnill )netal shlelds of tlie Tnfnntne Para lysig Poundat!on and the plaelnp o eoīn coTlectors in stores anfl eln! housee. M Mr. Mnrray carried with hlm po(fe ters announsīng tlif* dances. eoli collection cans/lite'rnlnre on Tntan tile paralysis and :i supplr of thi uietal shield§ for ilislril>utlon to thi district cltairman.