Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 Ianuali 1941 — Pahala Orchestra To Play At Olaa President's Ball [ARTICLE]
Pahala Orchestra To Play At Olaa President's Ball
TUe uewiy organlsed eight-i«iece i'iihula PolyUesiuu» orclK»slra lias beeii etiijas:ed to furni?h ihe danco uiusic at ihe rresidetitV I>al! nt OUui Casino Saturdai - uight. It wLli be uuder Uie leadership of Paul C;ibaulit, one,of Pahata's best knowu umsiciuus.
TUe i'oiyuesiuu!s niade their public uppeamnee at the Xew Yeurss Eve dance at i'ahala aud are suid to have £uade a decided hit. A popuiar jaember of thts orchestru is the boj voc&list, Moses Kawuhu, sfou of ijrs. llauie Kawalui of Pahahi, who lihs api>eareJ in puhlie co»eerts iu Kau several tiuie» wiih marfced jiueeess. Members of the orehestra are; l'«nl enhnnlH, »010 s*\ophou? and vi:i i l ' "->!■. Auu<ue Knos. saxophono ; AIMno Ajfu!t ( saifoplioue; Bilt Cafrnltar; Rt!l P«ik. guitar; Moses Kawaha, piano and voealist; ■lanie* Wong Ttien. bass vJoliu; Alexander Won« Yuen. druuss.