Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — Kau Kaahumanu Society Celebrated Birthday [ARTICLE]
Kau Kaahumanu Society Celebrated Birthday
Twenty-tliree years ls a long tUne: for one person to be preslāent of an orgauizatioii. That is the record of Mlss Liiy Aold of Naalehu svhool faculty, wlio ho.s l>een head of ihe Kauhuiuauu Soeiety, Kau Ui'aiu'h, for Uial length of tiuie. T\veuty-ihree years ago the Kau brauch whs orgituized and Miss Auld was elected its lirst presideut. Slie has held that office continuously ever uiiiee . Uli Saturday ihe 23rd anniversary of tlie Kau branch's orjjauization was loruially ,celebrated. In tlie af ternoon ihere was a business sessioa and iuitiation of nine new uieiiibers, Mrs. Auua Ijerteluiau, Miss Adeiaide Whittington, Mrs. KuaUiueuule, Mrs. Lucy Ahina, Mrs. Wui» Kuauoni, Mrs. liecky Barb, Mn». del Santos, and two others wlwse aauies could not be obtaiued. Auld, the president, and Mrs. Wiu, lUibavk of Hilo, eaeh gave a brtef talk. Miss Auld gave a history of the organization, Musie was furuisheti by singers from various groups and a nuniber of daneer« participated in the program. Axuong those from Hilo takine part wcre Mi - s. Wni. Roback, Mpb. Jesse Mohoiknui, Mrs. James Davls, Mrs, Lee Loy, Mrs. Josephine Vietor, ilrs. l*rhurose i4«nseu, Mrs. Floyd Katon, Mr. «nd Mrs. Wm, S?ilva and Mrs. Maukaa Bell. The eatertainnieut program and tntsiness session followed a luau at the old school grounds at Waiohinu, About 200 attended the luau. The evening's program consisted of dancing at the Na&lehu gymnasiuni . whieh wa& attended by a crowd estiuiated at 300. was furuished by Salvador's orchestra of Pahala.