Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — Naalehu Theatre [ARTICLE]

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Naalehu Theatre

ThMr., Jan. S0 LITTLE >1188 UOt't;IIXKOK witli Kdith Fellows, Lw» Carillo THB SHAPO\V with RUa Haywonh. C!»ark>s Quijrley The Orogon Tnill. ObHpter 8 Sat. Feb. 1 OIIIL FKOM r.OO'S COrKTRY wSth Choj«ter >torris. Jane Wyatt S(pheete<l *horts Sun., Feb. 2 TKXAS TKAILS witb Bill (Hopalong <*nssidyl Tsoyd TYPHOOX TUEASURES with ■\Vendy Munro Tues., Feb. 4 \YINGS OF TIIK MOKNINO (in Teclmko;or) whh Henrv Fonda. Anahella I>ruiiis of I'n Maiiehu, chapter 10 and solo( tvd shorts