Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — Tomatoes Can Be Hawaii's Cash Crop [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tomatoes Can Be Hawaii's Cash Crop

I The posaibiUtj- of winter J »aiii£Bieuts frv»iu Wl I *t<entlon |of whole«aiers iiiLvs An£«4es aod j San rei>oj:ivO Kea/ielkL. j iiauiiou, l'nlversiiv of Hawaii speviaiist iu «jgricultural oa hu retura new»tij to HoooMa trnm «. ia«iiU«od vacation, i Ha *cvoa»paoied ap exi>erixDent&l stūptu«at u» Uie coaft l&st aaa «ajrs tbat Uie u>ij»atoes &rriveJ &lU-& &<*><& condiUoo, Pan of U*e «M£Hueot w«s \axK>r-ft©ftt tre#t«4 j«rWi? th€ remain4er wilk meūiil broml6e. "Besides tbe i>rv>spNfi-t« of winter 10, ib« ji w«» itUervBtfU iu tW reoepUoii • iut ai!(i 6^»ara-; ««*• | "Ttw k re is mi th« pre«eut tiute an | *ctiv« (ieuauiil fur aU Uiree of these| eoaa»o#lies» but ocly Is| ianrm&g ia ex«eUeut. (.hmhUUoo," he] |dtiDNl | "£ec&uae papais are seiilOfi in sn j «xu«uieijf active marke!/' he sak\! here ta H*w&U U»re { la ti»eir grmdUi£ an<S jtecfciog > o®« «bipi>er ia p4rtioui&r is mid-| ia« «aaanil, 6efotj»e<J fruit \tet W; oot colored iirv>perl\ . He U aol ' (imnioe M« o*o fvttun» «>)«», but ] | Uua 4>mcUc« is iujuriu« tbe re|>«- ] I i*tMm «f H*w«a»a «£ this Rrovittvi i* uew oa U*e j»*iai&Bd ] iui\i &£&tiߣ f«r « pi«c« *Ub tt»e ; Wtt«ir kiHiwa | He «s»ert«d t&«t $oiae pi&e^&ple, j>h.i4)pers *re āiso a*ttdin& up i*"V?! pi\Kiac«. Soane ftuii b*v* re**ohed tbe whol*>«Uer&, : Xw t>uad « permi»oetu laOu&- ] trj Xoi fooii«, *hu»p«en>> mu>{ ; «ea4 am <»0« th«t »m ia u*usH. TIU# h&s fceea U» «t*ui»ettt of HhUii , «niiuikM» i»w« ia state— l»nMx»ci Ui« reiMiJ«Uon iv> fruiu: āmi 1