Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — INTERESTING STORY ABOUT HAWAII TOLD [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Thi« arti«i* v*ritt»n by "BUi H«hry" famou« for h)« »Y THE WAY articie« wtiich app«ar* in th«ir Oecembtr 14, 1840 iMue. HILO — It isa't uc|ai iou £rvV made ihe graod tour of the lslacd of Hawaii th&t you realize wbat a sacker yoo've been to go traveKtig aronad Earope where they holler "Hello, socker" In seven dlfferect ianguages aud rob you lo alī of them while bragglng about thelr ande&t calture aod civilizatJon. If j what thejr've got over there ls cl- ' viiization ju«t make mine fish &ad' poi in thls part of the T?ait«d ! States. ] HAWAIi —They eall thi# the Wg isiand because ft ie just tfeat. Kjng ; Kamehameha, who üblfled the islands, got hls start here. Aiso, the i llawaiian bo>' who showed u[» in

rNew Eng!and aī ahouī tiie start of the 10th cefltury &nu loapimi tlt« imlMlonary to Haw&ii ia tsao waa born in Kapoopoo on Kealekekaa Bay it was oo that same bay Bat the fej3ious eipiorer, Capt. Cook, got iato aa aryiimjqg ttoe fifitives ahd ended lng «V extinct as he wm Tbftre* 9 wlUinpuumM "OBor oīi a Mttle prousontory tfog lnto the PaeiAe, ®ft6NEßY—Mauna Loa and Kea, twln tower!og volcaooe«, sfeore thelr heads more iliaa 13,000 feet above the sea and joo couid !oae Tegttvlus io either ooe of th«n. As yoa drive along the southern and western shoie the roati goes aitemate3y throogh groves of Bnb-tropJcal stuff—breadfrult trees, banaaas, gorgeous red polusettias» «hrubbery of every kied, eo«oa, cqffte and BUgar o&ne — ioterrupted every few mP.es by the jumbkr roc- . ky Hotsaro and Jetsaa2 of suri<Ary . m!ptions, rajDgihg fnsru lava heds , a few hUBdmI yard» wlde īo oue

f*«t near Pjurker Bafl<± wiUene Ihe «ao!tea lava*s 11-dd haie iuu beea frozec i»to a j>«3ietnsl Mde«as gtim*ce tuore ūl&h 30 mQea kmp and «everai Rittes wi<3c. Tbe ■Mv* U> U»c «ea. for aisut mwnih» cotui.BUvu.fcU. tina r aC£NIC H4QHWAY - 4r wtt i«4 Ue there is & paveU xeasi b««iāe «&dli Uae lameU Aniaia Driv t i& JJUOr voaid wiiii «iouue for «Leum- ol cs»ect&cai&r £teiierj\ Jou loaeii iiuie il&wali&ii fish»n|; vtlLafiei «ion« Uie eoaa ,wlaere j_itires spear Aud net Uiēir fisli oa the rocor seek £rom outrigc££M&> ou iiīe sa&. Xhere'a an «aeieiu. waiiea gx r«iage * vihcu Oie irībes were a«4»t48$, tbf «oiuea cUiiare& Biaeed lrois. kanu. X(Mtis & fresu idea f«r ooe of ow Loft Aa |C«ie& rs*itMrst—« ciMusuaiti wbste

aal»©Uj cjui eali jou «a4 «&k jw« wb«t r«dio «uUou iwa «re ii«tea io or teU iou Uuit L v r. *««W Uk« tO kliO* h&* ian oii liie qoefctioa of «exige siioe<» for ea\*lrj\ &ucaes. AH. SUGAR — Ua i&e e«£t «bore i'ou cosae to £Āe £S£«r X<Ml 4tiW for 50 lEiikK» thr\,fi£h efidiess forest ol »uc&r c&c.e, &rv>ken iattnsdueaCi b$ U« coiarfk; ■ifl<nutioiß «*th ihei* sthool£, reii-«i)d i.rc-cn roofed »oe t ers' hoaei. aatfuīScent tarf«4 *Uiieiie 6eids, gyi.i;,«cwn»«. Tm a«ver to fee» s ,-q *».- « punuuoa «ari.« skgfUsi. I' v a sis.r 4 «us4 āwaii th« «t t!iiU tbs siAßUaj£ Lillsiic £tVu * m>»£uL£oeat <xne «itii 4 r«&t esi*&sie «i sladtjere4 Ju:Uvr i>ekiu& « ,tH*a&iracar. Jk«s A iotei ca.ile«i tke rigju <.Jii the bajf aai ū* uī A>on. £Utker l gn~i kubi(;j ,oc eLse Ui«i am «vMā fw4 orer her«. O&D$ ANO &MCS iii-es lie jur < P*ciSv C**a. t»a«, fev»ai iietsnrfu . . , Cs.lif^~ci4 v «*rds s«4, sre«uo£s .., tl w-04>i »4 ieow* Āa *t Ft. Sfesi\er ... b»u> «# o?feaī»:s<- & BstnA r*i4j,sifto*. * , *<£* w ,3"eft Lrs.rci . . . r* . . , m 4k a^«t««- of Ejsi&r>ipju, Moea&w. o<acgt«> S*dsMSi 4iiti C*t>CUv <&«cfe«i oa u» _ Tl*e« «« < ■ nam; I,k *** . . . it u. *4 I» CUlf«ou* «^^4 v wieii • • - U «<»ate4 U *. >.ursx:iiSī4 fe ver faii 4 nftti»4, «hnpoiMM £*£ iss«»AĒraiafc4 i\w &<&*«*>, m- •3©, iVrū C«hT . U*tm &MM lUkiM lu U&.