Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — South Pacific Long Harried By Sea Raider [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

South Pacific Long Harried By Sea Raider

SHIP LŌ§§ES ĒSfIMATED AT LEAST 10 SINCE LABT «Vi>NEi. N. S. W. — Ao «oemy r6i<fer, or ralders, t& tīie Paclfie and Inillan oeeans haa sunk 10 or more slilps, a eompīlaUon of figiu-es reTeals, **the vessel bel?eved responsible for the most of the sialiiag īs sal<l to be known to the Brltlsli Admlralty as the Narvlk, but whether that ls i:s real name ls uot eertaln. In any the ralder Is a fast rnodern ,motorshlp of al»out 6,000 tons wlth a ralied stem, cra!ser stern and sqnat nmael. The southern ralder Js believetl to toe ermed w*Jth four 4-lnch guns. torpeflo ttibes and powerful searchillghtB. ♦ Aetlve La«t June To date, the raider's score direct attack and mlne laylng ls belleved to snclude the following' sh!ps: i Klagara, 13,450 tons, bound for TancoUver, mīned off Kew 25ea1ant! in Jnne. Turabina, 9,(591 tons, Prench merchantman whieh ctisappeared after leaving Neweaelle, N. S. W., on A«g. 12 for New Caledonia. Troplc Sea, 5,781 tons, captured near Norfolk Island in August, scutt Ip<l hy pr!se crew oflf gpaiu **hen intercepted bv a BriHsih subiuarine. Tiranna, 7,230 tons, captured in fhe Indian Oeean in Septēmber or October. Britisti Coiutu&n3er, 6,901 tons, disappearetl iu the India« Oeean in ttu* fall. | A BrtHsh freig!iter, uul<seiiUfled, i miiUMl ui Hass S(nui Aus iralia &n<i Tatttuaoia on Xov. 7. of Rnyvil!e, an MnoHean o,&»5 tuu», uitued off Vietoria, oa. Nov. 8, ilaimoa, S,Oll ton&, sunk in the ludian Ooean, oa Nov. 21. Fort Brishaue, 8.739 tons, shellt ed aud suuk in the lndian Ooian., ■ L on Xov. 21. A. Bricish vessel, uadescrlbe4, slielled and tK?Ueved suni: off . Zeaiand, ou Nov. 2G. Shtp Offīcer Teii* Story A Ne\vfoundlander, Edwa.nl W. uf Whi;ley Ba.v, had oiie of uiust uuuau&i &tories o£ tU« war to teli afier roacSūU£ ht i re froou the • sunkeu Tou Brisbaue. Seo*jud of£ieer of Uie freighter, he took i uiaiivl of a boat wltli 26 yn.j uiaua«ed to eiude tke raider. Thej were piekeu up 22 hours iater an Austraiian w&nhi.p. Diagie ō2 waleh, ou the ui£ht of Xov. 21 wheu &«akec ed hi suuare. lie dr«sseu aud w*« B*akta£ hls \ray t.o the deck when Uie crafi \,vas struck by a sfeeli. | heu Uie raiUer had wreck«id the , radio rooiu aud steerlu£ it .| eea.se<l Ariug. j "Haviuj; ta,\ tn>at s erew sor- | ted out, 1 a seauiau forw&r4 , for an ur ( ier." l»ingie saUi. He reI turued sa,Uu£ tJiat bv>at was lo j l>e laumiied as »*>ou as \re wcrc \ roiul,\. When it hit the water, I j and Ewo otiiers went dowa |toit. i "We puaea ciear of the v<essei, j Tiie raider *roun*l the Brtsj twwe. We puil<sl Wbe& tW j raitier V *uve «rv«tsd it *evi iH-iween us aud the $Sxis *U\i, 1. j t*ke u. *he l>iokt>d ui> tht ot |ihe other U:>lK>«ts au4 aj |tHvaj\Uiig ;UMat\l w j I Raid«r Tor|j . l>in£i« said the uteu \ol«4 *a«l, uot to draw atteuiioa au4i , picktni ui\ ttuukm£ of 'llMil r VUu>ark bust!uw T*o iw«r% I*.J t Wr. ihe rvrisliHue toqpe&j<!ti] and the t««ier dU«4t>e*Ksl. Xo uwmuuii. he«Asi ku| b*vu Uri»bAn« «a> on 6it\ He foar mea j*feoaPd of im USefe<»u wklc& | wwhft 4(tttlac ; au uea t^k ;er aiul dfvi<,V4 to u,» to aa«%« ;auau*U*. W, U» a %kk<k wUki Us.\x: UCA;sI Uat * aikKk

»^ L -- 4 , At 4 I\JU lU»4k «*i4 Ik t*£ £e [ ,ciO)£Ni n *xW w U«p»s«&k I»t f bec4«ist o£ ci&mttU.l Uwa*U u« W bti LiANi &* IU&rUUMt <&i *ūm Uūua , Uo*«\tc, it *a* &M«I k t ? i& Mi«i AiowLka «*s*&# *$ ! __ _ _ i t Hc»uiw> ui ;&« C«%a «04. ite l, .««**« tf*i>l w 4 Wdl A*, vM 0« \>iuJbmtt bt(ooi «L* *A* f| f*<t U «*»', v&c M*».*

«agb« ia AA«r * f«* w*&s «t I6*eū*«j ū* 4iMi S<mUi r*cific. * rstiskr *fc*U*<i v>ī tlve <sU^e« lsi*o*is ia U* iknu'a r«uUk\ tfe« w&nakM? *ks 4 «wtNt» tfce tkct Xh*t U fb* & Ji 9«a«6e ftat. Tfeia Uk»vVhu rv 4Wrt*4 fe> &UiU*4«t F*oN:ri *£ At»tf*Ua. Lk ro<* «sl tM<. ib<? &us*£g t>W\ re|x*ritsj *'©!* «V» <*$*āHkfe. l» * Gmn*.u »*ss ««*i« s»ttt k *4uiJil«,Kfy-a viw*t uavhs: 4 ei »«»<!«&&