Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 January 1941 — Kona Farmers To Have Two-Day Program [ARTICLE]

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Kona Farmers To Have Two-Day Program

Iu order to asslst eattlemen, coffee growers and dtverslfied faruiers oo the island of Hawaii, the Unlverslty of H&w&ii will spougor two full-day programs in the Kona distrlet on January 21 and .22. On Taesday t Jan. 21, a cattlejnen's conference wHI be held at Kailua. Tbe program will start at 10 a.m, and flni*h after dniuer, Dr. J. H. Beauwont. director oi the Ilawaii asricultural experiuient statton, wffi be ehalnuan and will iu tn>duee the sj>eakers and their topiea. The fotlowiug day Kona farmers, experimeut statioa and exteusiou serviee men and ihe AAA aduiintstrator wiil uieet at tlie Kouawāeaa high sehooi gj'iuttasittm at S aju. fiarl Nisliimuiu, county &geat for West Hawaii, wiU l>e chairmau for ti» <!*y, Sp@akers iind tlwir topivS at Uie cattiemeu's eonference will ln>; Dr. Fraueis K, llunee, soil cheuiisi, HS. jPA, "Ohemieal Oontrol of riaat } I*ests ou the Range"; Prof. L. A_ j Henke, aniuial lmsbanduiau, expc i riment station. "TUe Plaoe of MoI to Oauie Feedins"; G«or«e I iu eiiarse of AAA lu Hāwāii, j "'lhe 11*41 AjiA Fro«raui for liaueh i««": Frank ti, Sutlierland, anhnal : husimtuUn*ti, exte&sjoa serviee, l>HiA rro<traui in Hamil"; \ l*rot Heuke, "Pen-Fatteniug of Cat|tle aod the r<i*£t&iHty of l Fec«lers ou the Raute." i Men «eakiaf at the Koaa F&riu(ers Ooafereuee wHI be; Dr. Hatuv. I "We*d t\Mītrol on Coffee l<a«d"; |Ur, Mmo lVan. assoeiate ehemUt. exp«rtuiem staU«n. to ,Ooftsld« in PKtllWa* Corf*v"; (Mr. Mtu«, ' AAA Pro«ttmtu for VVffee F*nuerB' . Mr. Suiherlaud, Swiue; 3E*roduv - ;K>u for Koua"; H. Akauia-' t««, rur«J rvhaWm*tk>tt suivr\ Uor' «w U»e lanu Hei'«rtt\ adminī>i!H 1 «»». "Vaioe «t Wka Aev\>untitvjj 1 KwmhmU 1. iii»usi.m. tt»arkeiian ' ciali»(, exteusi<«j swvUv, *KouhV ' M*rketia* rrofci<»«* - j

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