Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — Extra Big dividends Now Possible [ARTICLE]
Extra Big dividends Now Possible
»N*«te |BgB fed on a rnlverstty 1 Of Baw*H • j*ecommended ratlon I e*tra per plg. 51 Fnrn-! Kapaa, Kauai. will nbandon iiln eM feedmg methods, reports Hei&oKaiiN&ami, assistant county' »f««!Wt'Kauas -*lfr. beoame convlneed « $«« of fi hofrs fed the unle n «le d ratton outT fed thelr usual rat>ounds after 5(5 T!ays. "Pli# feed lneluded rolled #»ybeari meni, meat scrnps, mt an<l honemenl; the "IM' Ms lot pineapple bran, bwtey, ft>6tatete£ and proteln sup*"Tbe plg« ©n the recomtnended mtlon galned approxlmately pouailaapleee; the others galned 8». Hae average amoant of feed e<w»STiined by the ?elected hcigs was 268 pourids; tbe other lot averaged 177 p<rands. Aithongh the eost per IWOTid i>f the nniversity fee<l w*as s)i?htly higlier, its feecl oost i>er ponnd of galn w«s wid the as*lst»nt agent. EBtii»ating the h<>gs (o gell at 20 eents per pomul, the nniverplty-feil hogs gros«ed ?-1.00 and uetted $16.67; the others gr<issed ?16.50 Rftd netted fis.9o.