Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — U.S. Bolsters Envoy Lineup In Crisis Area DEVELOPMENTS INDICATED IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


W A SIII NGT O K — The Uni-' ted Stutes is rustiing relnforeements' to diplomatic representatlon in the Mediterranean aren in the be i !ief that important polltical as wel! as nillitarv developments are ImI i>etunnj; there, arOt>rding to amh<»rit»tive sources. Admiral William O. T/enhj-, newlv sppo!nte<l AmMssatlor to tl\e Freneh govemroent Rt Vlchy, has «ēparted to take np d«tles. WiUiam Phillip?, American Atnbassador to Rome who has been in tl»is rountry several months recovering frem a severe !!sness, ,w!ll be back at his ©ld post sooti. Robert D. Marphy, Charge d'Affairs of the Amer3eap Embassr at Viehy, is on a H tour of inspectlon" of Ameriean eonsalar posts In French north and West Afrk-an eolonies. Offlolals here saM he had no jßls«ion t*soßd a "routine tour of insj>ectiiMi," of consular posts. t»ut it was noted thttt hfs lour will take hini through the area eOntrolled by CJen. Maiime Weygatul, who is commander-in-cliief of all French •med forees in the Freoeh coU>Dles in Africa, aod ls eonsidered tbe gre«t nuestloo mark of that eoaliD«lt, Viilt Dakar Murphy also la e*pected to vislt| i>akar, Freneh Equatoriat AMean port, whene Freneh forces loyal to ! the Vichy regln*e beat off an at- | taek by "Free Freneh" forees uuder 6en, Clmrles de Oaulle several i UKAtb» ago. j Murphy wUI relurti to Vicly- sooa [and will glve Admiral Lealw ftrst- | hand information of condltīons and i i sentlme9it in the French eolonles| t #®oa after Leahy tak« over his dlplouiaUe post omci«ls here hope ! that lvetweeti I,eah,v mā Murphv I tbev aiw» iua,v get $ome accur*tej tnfornMitlon thc Freuch whloh remains & lhreat t«t &rHt«h naval fotves lu the MedL-'

PresWettt actioo ia s«MHBg Ive«hy (o Llslh»ii lei & uaval pralser cause«i wldessj>rea«l eomweßt in Washington. wtth coudderaM« sp<»rulation as to tlie reasous b«Mnd ihi« unasual move. Iu offi rt*l oirok*s; h saia t)w> w«r*: l—Lenh} au *duilrHl, foru«r - hsi't' r»! iiin rti OlH'niUOil*. aiul t.h,« k U» «how Ul« Uli whieh *UaditN& to"L«« Ui "* «M»4utu>?ut to tb« Vlclgr 2 llw' l 4 n»»id«ui tUe $UH* Departm«ut wl»he.l Lealif ty takc ov*r hts doti«s at a» svkhi lK>ssbJe. i-**hy Ukw Wtr«hlp« «ld he w*s "uo< ui*ttccass iuukn! trav<?i ou Auveric&u uāYAI «uU was U> lmvo ex:pr«&>f>d the ck«lre t<> uvs to IJL& IH»« atwarst th« Ttt*K*U\v*4, St*ito offidab arc »ttKte\ti tb«t «x»t Wei to jHist «ooa $S luti«u tW**fc *t iW hauO« et &e «lul 6ritUU ia JCs£jH hsvo nuubliu4« iu Vhot»t «u wlUeh offidals hi» lifc« |\> h*T» nuir<e iuīmiuaUou l'UUU*)* U tfn? ouU»l&u«Mu4 thc

|Aut«rk*o &u4 admtin,-t.rs.lk'ii dHcials vrv!uljt fccL !-.iuv!i VIUt iiifortued 11 lse \xao &t tl«- "H«l«utaglu" 4i RvMliC. Mes;aiuK\ mueU «yev-ttUtl-!ii ai"4 rumor Ua> vlrvulated rc4*nliu4 Col, V\ UH&IU 3. KuJV>iX&U , ? rJi> \\cvii w Lou&>a, feai ae to r«4vris tttrc, ui.vj \isit |VKtv,\ AIKT Roai<, SectNK4ii" v'C Sts.t< I:UL\C rc*M\uoU. U" saUl Sh*t l:a.s *' tW L'x $snia*tet. ats4 li*\« u IU j v ««' ! AUJ >,U* Stl\>u« vVUOCt!i v .IH» LV ! Mi>V}i£s r S tour.