Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 39, 22 Ianuali 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO | Today OnJy •DAXCI-:, (HKL, DANOE" with - M.jureej) Loui? Hav\vard Tomorrow and Friday "XIOC»X OYKII liUKMA" witli Dorothy Laniour and Hobert l'reston Saturday Only • A I»ISI'ATOH FltOM RKI'TERS" with Edward G. llubinson and Kilna Best Sunday and Monday "IH)\YN AIU;ENTIXE WAY" wfth ]>on Anieehe and Betty Grable Tuesday and Wednesday, next week MAXY GIItLS" witli Lueille l>aH aiul lliohanl Carlson PALACE Today Only SOl 111 OF PAGO I>AGO" with Joii llali aiui Frances KamieiTomQrrow Only 1)K, ( IIIiISTIAN MKKTS TIIK VVOMiCX" with Jean Hersholt "1M -\OIUiL)Y'S S W EETHE AIIT NUW" with I)ennis o*Keefc and Ooiistance Moore Friday and Saturday "LAMHINGAV with Oarnien Rosalers an<l Rogelio de la Kosa. Saturday Niflht Oniy "YOOKINA OKAMAOHI" wiīh Himori Shinehi. "JIU MAN RYO HIBUN" with a cast of Japanese plnycrs. Sunday and Monday FIGITIVE FIU)M A PRISON OAMP" with Jack llolt aud Marian Marsh "\YA(iON TRAIN" wiih Tim Holt and liay WhiUey.