Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 Ianuali 1941 — LEGAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]
a coriipetitKe exataia«itioa wiii btt beid a 6:00 oVlock AJdL on Jan«ar.v 25, 1&41, at the Bilo Higb iJm liooi or tbe OouatJ' Bniidiag to PbHsh a »eco»d ellilhle ibt for niman «o<! j i'vki<x i>«j*aru&eui, Ct>u«ij o£ Hawaii, as the prf«r Ust wlll ooi have #uffick-ut aauie* to SH ihe ueeds of «ueii dej»artioeat, Api>ik-atk«i« iuust be made oa offidai applleaiioa bl«aks arid iuubt |be oa ia tbe o£ftce of ike <Srii | isērsrU.e Coīaa)ist»io&, Boois 18» (Gouittj Buildiiig, B<>t l&ter Ihao i t> citK-k Nooa uo Janu6Xi IS, ll&ll. i At»i>Ucaiiit> tuust l>e Uuit£ci Statet tciūae&6 an4 iuu« bave resiaed ia , U»« ierrīiori of Hawail fot. tbr& imuiā aud ia tUe Cmntg ot liasrali wue >«*ir, iuj££iedia!fijr pm*dikjg u«v *i*te »1 lliut£ at»i>>kistivu, Ap4iUvaiiU t»uai not ieae mu»t be &$t le&s tk«i3 €7 incbes Us -1 uor wore th«H 35 itars ol wiūioui »hoes» aed liui !<&£ ilmu 150 iii wei«Ut, a&4 ', iiītui to otUer resiuirewe3SU im dm ōi«K.Uliaii«ii oa fiW iu tuJui ofj Uv«, a n>l widvJa <.© tJbe 1 , Uaik'iiu i*.»ard. aad at CsurU»»s&e£
«iu Lau4«iiti>cliye, Uoaokaa, N«nh • iiwiuiia. KaUuii, Waioiiiaa &&3 Oiaa. j Write «e &&k foir snwjdficati©E. aa<| j aM*Ucaii««i Maak. j CiViL SKSVICE CC»iiMISSIUN | <X»UNTS OF HAWAIi | »w <S*SD> GEO. C HEWITT, | ' Wrector of Persocfirf. |Ka īloini O Hawsiī: Jan. 1, « 15. j W4l.