Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 Ianuali 1941 — Lowest Death Rate In Hawaii In 1940 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Lowest Death Rate In Hawaii In 1940

Hawaii had the lowest death rate in the United states for the first six months of 1040, according to provisional figures received by the Board of Health from the United states Public Health Service. maternai xuortality wiiiie Hawaii ] stood in abont tbe mid<3īe of tbe List j for infaut znortalitj', Tbe Territorjj bad Uie flfth bighest birtli rate. j RegarUing specific causes ofi <leath, Hawaii had ithe lowest mor-j tallty from t.-erebral hem<>rrhage,, next to the lowest frt'iu ]ieurt Ui-?- j eases and third lowest from aeei , dents. OŪii Alaska and Vemout ; had a lower ti)orta]it.v fro» traffic ■ accideiīts. j It is sigbificaj)t tbat onlj three jstates uad a lower death rate for penumonia, while for tbe corj3?«tKuidiag i>eriod in precedi?ig ,vears the Terrftory al\rays hSgh for this fause of death. Hawaii's improved showinji ma.\ U* aStribated

j t<> tlie Bttcoi»sjiful «pi'lkalk'n lu;tv jwf aiiei"t-ni anil sul , J fapyrl<llne ijierupy. i 1 Two diseases: for whieh Haw&U • llmml tbe hi£hes?t iuonalitj in iiie | Uuited States are fever aad j infautii,v Tht> . I was foorth highe*t for dij?htberia ] and was in the uj»per bracket for : i tuber<"uloals, whooii»iug CN.»ugli, diar- ] rfaea and enteritis. ■ i _