Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 January 1941 — Britain Finds Wildlife Ally In War Cause [ARTICLE]
Britain Finds Wildlife Ally In War Cause
NKW YORK — Wi!tt!ife is BHtnln's defen<ler6, aeC€Hfdiilg to Eric Hardy, British writer and natiiraiist Tn Natural His{orv, /iiaga?.ine of
the Ameri<*an Museam of Natural i History, Har<iy said lie had adopt- • ed **manjr of the camouflage meftods of witdlif«; for eamoQßagiog i ear& ana bQīl<Jings" arld that attempts were T>eing iuaOe to "use tfee eensitivity of some blrds to det«et the noise of approaohing enneray plane-*." "ABother I4ea," accordlng to Hartl.v, "has lveen to detect the laod&t invarters 1« eome lonely spots, for a Hoek of frulls or ; voofes or rwrtridges will 4Uirkly re- 1 «ent anv strange arrival by parachute 1d their favorlte nesting
haunts, thus . neveallng their curioslty hy cireling in a noisy flock| over the s|K>t where tlie raider lias| ia»dett" | i Hor«ea Lfttte Concerned | i- Hardy said the effect of air rai«ls hoa hird and animai life was one of 1 eonfusion r»ther than fear. Hor t -es, ■ junhitched and given a feed hag,' lasually wlll stand through an air| i raid. reacting to the uo!se wlth an 1 [oeeaaional toss of the head. Rab-! Iwt* «eurr,v for their burrt>ws &nd! j owlg stop their s< ree< hlng. ( Btr<yt to be the greatest (sufferers. Hardy said, becoming j*reatly wnfuse<l at flrst and then (setUing lo the grouud for the durialioH of the raid. j <Jotieerniag the i»ehavior of hls «oiiie sh«ep dog. ltex, Hardy said: "When the sireus etart up from U»eir low whis{M'r to their veritable (hawi, he ,k>ins ln the waming wilh hia barking, Th»s was his owti euutribuliuii, f»>r we «ever iHUght hloi to do it. Dog S«nses Danger "Ho discove.red tliat the sirens ] meam scniiethīiig iuip*,»rtaut and i ti»at we were eairer not io overlo>ok i iheui. st» l-.e lmrkeii, as op all suoh i occasioiis."" J "Oiiē uf the greatest le«sons we iiearu from our war-harassed wiidjiiXe»" iiard.\ oouciuded, "is ihat a jsiuglo euemy its prey . . . |arottses fwir, but the geueral <\uvi fusio» «f a n»ass attack iike an air I rald need not add fear to confusion. ifor wo are iw»t siugled out inuividu4aliy. an*i the \vreokage ;ind the ) deatii toll after tl»e raid is far be- | low auythii3g tke terribU> nolse and j ti»e high ilauH?s sugge>t at īhe time iof actio«."