Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 January 1941 — 'Chute Troops Under Training At Ft. Benning [ARTICLE]
'Chute Troops Under Training At Ft. Benning
EQUIPMENT AND TACTtC§ REMAiN SECRET WITH ARMY WASHINGTON — The army" wiH be prepared to use the "overhead" tactics emploved by Germany' against Norway, Deamark, Holland and other countries when anil If I>arachute and airpiane troops ean perforni. ft gtven mtssion better than any otlīer combat group. Little has heeu w ritten about tlie training of pararhute troops nt : Fort Beniiing, Gn, hecause mueh . of the practice, euuipmein and tactics ure regarded ns secret. feuf every clear-weather day tlie vohm- ; teers wlio go Inlo the paraohtitc s > service are tralnlng at Jnmptng, i tumbllng and the use of nrms.
• At Fort Sam ITouston, Tex., es- ■ perhnenta are being condncted 1n i the creation of airplane eoiupanies whose personnet ean he flown ho- • liind enemy lines to take and hold j posittons. It t8 difßoult to deter-j t uiine whieh branch is likely to Kēf 1 tlie niwe hazāfdous and exdt"mg. j r FōJd» Own 'Chute j of the parachutlst be-| - gins with his ruost important ad-j - juHct--the parachii!e ltspl'f. ne ls| i taught to fold h!s ihvito carpfully,| how to paek tt. Unliko the avintof,l he <loes thts work hlnipetf to gīvo"J f hlm eotifldence In his chute. J To handle Wmself in h!s descent| 5 he is plaeed !n a rlgg!ng exaetly | J Hke that hls parachute carries. lī»> t »| has only 40 eeeonds in the alr whēn slnee the phme dellver- , ] in?r him to Ms ohJect flies nt low t|alt!t«de. He must he alert and ,| ready to jro lnto aetlon immedlntelyi I on I V*r* thlp rea»oii he ji>ust ltnow ( ft»ow to brtt»g hta ohme down, eitlier |by pulllap ft stdeways into the |wlad w rttnnitig around hehind it. ITWs f*eventB his beSng pulted I j atott£ irrt>tind. helpless. He muM | know how to handle the cords so | _ that he will not osci!late on īhei 5 way down. He must break his falt} by poltlng hlmself upward as he< '■ nesrethe pround. j ■- -The trooperfs are dropped ini JfrroupB of 12. They oan clear al plane In 10 seoonds and be readyj t for 80 ?>econds later. The| Jeh«tw» are opened atitomatlcally as' pfoach )eaves the plane but evorj ' ;jn«n <*«ries a spare th case any-| thißjr poe? wronp. ! t C*n Drop S*W>ke Bomb | , Tr«lninir otfioers <3o not helievej , th*t a parachutist is a g<H>d target; . fc»r nwn on the srrouod. The des»' «ent ls fairiy rapid and the cfeutist • «iiii easily dix>p a «nioke bomb or! Iwuui greuade—l>otli discouragUl£ to | *p»od marksi»ansh!p—or even hau ! ; dle * revoiver fairly well. | ■| TJw «lrplane tnoops Wve not| s )4mmd fully deveioped. The> presmu- ! w««W de«c«nd by pkuie at JfM»iatB prevjousiy protected b.v pj»-
i 0f * «outeuiptat*d 1S BBit wouid d«»eeud fu',ly , ftir aotlon with a fv*mid , wr*y of amaanieiu. The trou., |We witli thl» tsrpe of troiip mo\t>-; 4a»mt te th*t ttie piane must laiia at <»e«l»n«ted s»>ot. whether it is jpotato paieh or a ditcli, OfficePs be-! jileve that «very piane by iUwmany «•« a oasuaitj,\ 4 I Two S7-miB. anti-tank jruns. wiih' j crews aed awmuuiUoiu <au l*e car J !» one trsisS}vrt pl&iw. Othor )pisuaes w<mtd carr,v „30 ;uul J j tiber jamrhiu« uuii. uiorssv,s.' I amffluu£tu>ii «nd thf to ;5..-tu as w!l a» an »ssorh»vn: i rlrio and i»istolukoii. | | wtth j*at*chuto u\hv t wen a untt WUove.J j w\m!d he (Vwr®idaMe if tutu<\i ī*tn« vitat or atv*N jto ttie wtr of eneui; ]
j \ Hpplv ojf laughter is worUt a! |mM>d of t,*srs st oi ibe, ! . J
r-KHEUN4„ il Ma k«ia Uk&hLaU u* 1* il»t i* ukUiA 0 UM*» e kek&iii ui^k^iei^ uia, ke ieg*&&3t* 4>cl& av siiCA l ua auhou. I»jB,