Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 38, 15 January 1941 — Mass Output Of Big Planes Seen Far Off [ARTICLE]
Mass Output Of Big Planes Seen Far Off
AUTO MAKERS MAY NEED AT LEAST TWŌ YEARS' PREPARATION > . JttETROIT — At least two years wiH be needed before army bombiag plaues, assemblec! from |parts made tlie autoiaotlve industri, eau take the alr, a represeotative of the aircraft Ini3ustry beliēves. The offiplal sald auto manafacturers, tool and d!e shop euglneers au<j parts eompany heads were Just beginning to get a lineup on the iuuiUtuvle of probiejy» to be f»ced In bullditig Bub-assembllcs for 1%(KM) bomber&, A. mftjor question Sn performing th« job ls whether to do lt on thc mass proflnction basls known le the auto industry, or whether tc adopt niethods of alroraft manufact>irers, lie sald, The flrst oourst would involve more tlme and ex pense but production would be faster onee it was startfed. The auto-makers use permaiienl tools and dles, objects that wlll withstand the wear and tear o) hundreds of thousands of manufaetured articles, whlle plane bu!ld ers use temporary forms prlnoipal ly because of the : rapld deslgn changea Speed Deper>ds on "Fret*lnfl w "If the product ls 'fro2en' eo the fiutt>iiioilve lndtistrj- won't eonstantly hare to hī clmiig!ng lts toolss it should be able to nialee plane parts as fast a's lt does cars," "thi.s ofFlclal s«ld. "sTit the peri«anent tools and dies for such a job take a long tlme ko mafce, and some of the larger ones wotilfl he too ooBtly." Anui' ālr corp» offi- ! ciuls liuvo pr<%iuised' that the two j tipes of plaues the auto iuāustri will bulM will not involve sieslgu j cluuiges after production beglns. ! They are to be S,OOO Martin B-26 i two-en,gined lx»mbers and 4,000 B-2-l j Jour-engiiie(l boml»ers built by Conj solidated Aircraft Corporation. The jtwo firms are to āwa,rd suf>-con-i tracts for manufacttire of their |parts, and are īo assemble them at j four pi'oposed.plauts in the Mid<3le i WesL 1 l'o aid iuotor4ouiJn the task it ■ luus luekkHi, the an»y alr corps lias |seut to L>«nroU eompieie Jayfut o< !}mu-U from Uie \vltli b!uc jpriuu aud tbree tovhulcUns lo ex Ipliuu th««m. The ylajies, cut lnto |sections, were ha\iled here bj | iruck aml hoxcar an'<l at a lieathi\iartfcrs es.tablldie4 by |thc AuiomoMle Manufacturers As ! sociatlon at the Gra i hani-T'aig ! e ftictory. Petalled Study M*de The stmim of proihict!on eTperts into the plane parti hea<3qu«rters has contfnued for two monthst, somc ! returtitng three or ioote | iime!> to inspect a oertaln part. The ! parts are unfaniillar to them» tV | altrraft lndustrv representaWve sald, b«t wHh a few esceptlous ttiey ' bc!icve they ean plaw them lnto ! mass proctuctlon. lVrbaps thc strangest to tho auto t*c*m!csans &luiatawu «U«y ca«ttngs, l>ut H ls WUev*d that th* two n«Oor z\imwawaftieti»Hni: wm jhe to att that «re I sieeiseil without outslde a&sls<&nc«. | The &ise of fhe Job tias brought i promisea froui auio ootupanie« to | «übordimte tfeelr intere-<t< - wA !on l'.M? uuhlols" - - -to ttuu of naI uouai <ie£tN»e t Wililam Jyiuivli»e«. vtf\>*luctU*a chief of tho «atkMiviclcivsc ttdvlsorj cornmtssU>n 4 al lw*% has tol<J the tt c««[ww <k> aoy r*tooUus for |ii«st $mjt% ino<Ws lx?< v ausc eiaeli |i»e «hop» *rtU orowdiKl with d*\titsm «NKam, | iMHHiaen t\»ld ttt« ttulustrv |tlHtt U must wp» thc tK>Q»b4T p«rts tixtr« alr\Nuii o« i>ut «n>.\»r\sUij£ to U nuiKx<*U>io h\ \Bmn ea £Otftt out, tU«t \itlUAlti t«U uiaekUMK-i 4s lu U!<c a«rlo& ttic |eiirceot |M\>vtuv;Uoß t . I«ktt4 tk«t *4*vi*Hsc\i ut»>Tih\crt Ute »uio gi*m« cannot Kt« |4«*e vu*«Xsffcclwe, <MU au4 p.uM\ i v rv» ;dUotio« S0!Y" liiSvh;t.Os\ tvi ( <lvauU." ikUs\ ( :'.>ctiiig. \mßr.ucr.s ios* W ?or jU.jc 4>tvjocU\! \>\)\ fcv.i.JKvXi» cf .acv> tocls *iut \llcs V nec,l<\i jU> <vnsMr 1W *et\4 v ( ( YW &utoiMo\>"e ".u4nv\^ v turts>j
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