Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 36, 1 January 1941 — Hawaii Relief To Britain Over $15,000 [ARTICLE]
Hawaii Relief To Britain Over $15,000
iw\vajd Uj# safiterlag* «X Uie i>opulaee of bel«uguered Hrit>titi through Ui« HuwaLluu er, Commlttee to De{end Aiiiericii, c3liabed above tbe |15,0U0 mark toāag r , it wa» anßouneed bj U. J. Balnalter, ehainnau of the groui»'t; finance comxolttee. The coatribution wiileh peruūtted ,tlie Ciia&tera diabur«iuients to reach tkis luial was a lioaaiioii o£ 42,000 Mr&. Heiea sSrocg Cart«r, wūiow of a tk>Yer»or :of Hawaii, for tiie Chapter's pux- > vlia&e Qf a MUi iiiohiie fie3d kiieiien. { The si<Jes o£ tbe fieJd kitcbeu, it traverses ilie streets o£ Lonaoe or houi eotiier Eug|ish eo KU<Teri«jf uu(ier Gemac botubiu«, wili bear the luscriytiou, "Territori of iiawaii, l'.&A.,—Y." 1« tlie iatest *uyHn,uiiāi_MUX to Uie Hawaiiau CUayier, Mr, Hainuiter eu4>Uja£i%ed LUat ike orgaolzaUoD is ius activities lo i»g iu iueeting Lhe urgex>t humaaitarlau ( ueeds ut lUe people of Great Britain wiiiioui luutaperUig or iuieri!eria£ wkh &e {trogresa ot Lke pieseut pragnuu for Uie jMea*e of Uie L"uitcd Suuea. The latest Uriu£s iu Uve liie uumber of uioi>i4e iieid &udfcieus whieli have beeu psutribuied lor use iu Isngl|uitil Uiroufiii tUe iia,waiian CUapt<er, Cojouuittee to I>ef«uU Axuerica, iu additiou to eieveu trailer ambul%uce% &t a. cost oX af>proxūualeii $25u. eaeh, aud oue four-i>aUeut fuiij~ Lk>dj;e
Hiuhuiaiu-e, at a. eost of approsJll'W. iar a toi«I uf «4urt tlmn $15,600.00. tha 7 Uamii£ olj&*. fftoi*a3lari Ghapter, Coauaittee to [ I)efend Americft, for M.rs. Carter'ij I coßtrtbtitlon Mr. Eainalter said: | "Tfae response of the people of ; Hawail to the appeal lor eootribus t*on« to aHeviate the K\ifferiujjs a»a i«erve the huraanli®lriaji a«*ds of > t"« of Eug{acd bas beeu t*«ry «rawfyifig lDāeed. The t-ontri--o«{toas — botli iarge aud smali ~ }t**ye been t6adered ic u volttme tkat t»rvves how ready the people of H*waU are to heed ihe caJi to ia &»idiorating ihe canāltiou > «t ihe t*eopie of England. Mūy I $nggest thar prospettive regxuar <kiaors lo the Chapter's aetivitirs iuaīie tijeir coctribuc!<sus through auy «ne of tbe fojiowiue uiue fui,\iKiai iiistirutioßs: Bunk of
Ihkwmil, Bi«bop Natkmal H&ak, Auwrknu Securig Bac.k, Überfj Banfe, l'aeilie Haak, liawaiiaa fm«t Bi?bup Trujst C<jujI««»J <>K»be Trost Cosui»nj:, aii4 Huaoiuiu Tru#t Ootnpttuy. "We mo<-h prpfpr ihat dootsrjt deal tPith any of (b«s< ! inst H«ti«»s, *« it wHI «#rpedlte aßd fafHitatt» •tt» h«ndJln« of the ?unds.
The lslac4 «X Oouiac£ t«T + ais c,lismi>iojiside ca*tured bjr MiUwji Kob*U Aiiā JaaitĀ iia.r* Suadax w bvu lhtj dg»aesi Te- , ruichi Tai&iiasjii a3id K"yy> Ida cooi.biu&.tlojx īa & tīu > et:-&our I b&itie m iaeii kepi -Jae laxus aa liēU' 5 loea Uiroiig"OUt Lhe €cur€ la&ieii, . Tbe &aal scares were 3-£. 6-£, *-£, | 6-£, 6-u, Ifcis is iouxlli <loubltrs uīumjub £or Koi>aui m th.e l*£t £v« i, j ears.