Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 36, 1 Ianuali 1941 — Resolution To Name Battleship "Hawaii" Is Passed [ARTICLE]
Resolution To Name Battleship "Hawaii" Is Passed
The Ilawali Wgbtss Oommisslon has atlop«-'l n resol«tton asklng that one of Ih«' capltat warshtps of the "Cnit<Kī States nary be named "Hawaii", ns a mark of recognitīon" o? tli<? importance of the Islands ln our country*s flfst line of defense. The resolutlon is l)e!ng forwarded to Washlngton. īt reads as follows: RESOLVTIOX "WHEItĒAS, the Territorj- of Hawali, in whieh is ]oi';ited the I'earl Harbor Navftl Base aiul the quarters of the 34th \jjval Distrlct, has long been aekiiowMk'eel to bc one of the most important llnks In the phaln of defenso of the rnlted States Navy for tlie protectlon of t!ie shores of our oomiuon »-ountry; i and WHERBAS, this huiKii-nmoe has 'been rpoognlzeil liītlic-rto by tli«| I nanilng of the T7nitod Stnte> sliip HONOLULU after ihe Capltal of, the Territory, anil the United States shlp OA.HU after an Island of the Terrltory; abd WHEREAS, there exi-sts in tlie rainds of countless of our fellow eltizens on the mainlanil of our eommon eountry vast iiiiscon<.eption and mlsundenitan(lius yf the correct status of HawaiL iu Uie scheme of governuiont of the Uni-
ted State§ of Ameru ;i; :ūid WHKHEAS. the onlj' other oi£iiniste<l Terrltory <jf the United States? \vas recognl7.eu and lioiiored i soon uftor its ae<iuisūt iou by Uie namlng of the USS ALA^KA; and WHEREAS, the Ameni'iiii Legion Departinent of Hawaii lias aJopted a Resolution reque-«tiui; tlmt oue of the <npital ships to lio i-onstrucHe<3 under the current iirogruiu for the expansion of the Navy aaiaeU the UBS HAWAIE "iu recognitiqD of this Terrttorj''s y<jualu,v wiUi the states for whieh battlesiiips are namedand WHEHEAS, such designatiou wouia eonstitute further recognit!on of the import!iuce of Hawaii in the scheme of the Xatiooal Defense, and wou!d tend to dispel th.e widespread misconceptioti and misuuderstauding 011 t!ie maiulaud Uniied States of the correct suitus of Terrltory of H;nvaii, and would «erre as a-recogintiou of the eiiual!ty vrith the stasos to wliioh ihe eitisens of līavraii believe they are entitled under the coudittous surr*»undhig the auuexation of these Islands and the record nf the Tenitorj au inlegras part ot the rnited Smtes; uow, there >fore, be H RESOivVKI>, hy the H&waii Equal R!ghts Commtesiou, that the thanfcs of the people of the Terri' tory of Hawiili ln\ aud thej- herebi are, teudered tu ihe proper autlioriat D. e., for tkeit reco?nstU>ti of the iuii>ortauee of Hawail in Uw wheiue of the N'a | Honal l>efense bj ti;e nn»»hig the aforesaid USS HOXOLfcLi; aud USS OAlir; aud be U further RESOLVEL\ that tiie proper authorities at Washiustou be, aud they hereVy ; m\ re iiuested aiul earuestlf urge4 lo re<sl&lae further the lmport«kuee of this Terrttory to Uuiiel Suies, Navy «nd the rights of liawaii toj eq«alhy wUh tlie states, hy bestow. ( \tig the desi£fjation USS IIAWAIi, UjE»o& oae of uew <capital to be coostructed uuder the pre«eut ( «wiiwn for streusOrt»ln« Uie Xa | tioual IVfeuse; uihl lv Lt fUriher ( RfiSOLVKD, tli»t Um KxAVUU\e ( S*»cretar.v of thi» i\>aunissSou 4r*ivsi*ut I thi& ResoHttlost to the llon. FTai,.\ lln IMano R<wk>yoH. Pre*idem et ' th* r«lte<i Stst-es. thc Hoa Fraulk | Kihvx. ot ihe Xav,v. | the Hw n«n.>U) L tcfc«*. SkVPeut,> ' the huwK'*, atv,? U>e lUmi Kiui. lVt«*ate tu t\n> | ***** f*o» HNt«»il. ] I oertify tbat the v ins wss tUIs 4 rt*t» hy rhe H*w«u C*»»B&l8sion | few>esthY S*cret*ry j