Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 36, 1 Ianuali 1941 — Hawaiian Chapter Buys Fourth Kitchen For Beseiged British [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Chapter Buys Fourth Kitchen For Beseiged British
The fourth mf>bile field kltclven to be purohased thro»gh tlie Hawaiiaa Chai>ter, Conimittee to I>efend Aiuerlca, to ai(l in - amelioraUng the sufferings of tlne people Ql fafesleged Englancl was osrdēred today, lt was anoouneeil bj> U. J. Ramalter, chairiuau :of tlie Cliapt-. er's Aiianee committee. This order br©uglit to raore than $13,«X>Q the total that hag heea eoatrit>Qted ia Hawaii toward. assistJng to serve the humanitarlan needs of England, 3lr. Kainalter added. Reeent contributions, lncluding au in<iivtdual donatlon of $2,000 fr«ni a forrner resident of the Territory now in Canada made it possibie for the Hawaiian Clmpter to order tlie fourth of these "uiaehioes of mercy." As they trjiversē llie strt»ets of London or other KngHsli eouimuuities sutfering under inces&ant German bomblngs, these vehicles wlll bear the inscrlption, "Territory of Hawaii, U.S.A.—No. 155, and up to No. IV- . Subsequent mobile field kitciiens purehased through the Hawaiian Ohapter will bear the same inscription with the corresponding nuinber, unless inclividual <iouors desire to have their conlribution dedicated to some ludividual.
. in additton to the four uiobile field kltchens for whieli the ptirchase was <-ompleted todaj% coutributUms to serve the huuianHarian neods of tlte resi<ients of Engiaud obt«iaed through the Hawaiian Chapter inciuded oae four-patieut fuily e<juipped Dodge amhulanee dedieated by Mrs. Elizabeth Maeiean to her iate brother and bearin« the inscription on its sides, •Stephen Smith—Territory o£ Uawaii, U,S.A.* > Meven trailer arubulauces al«o Uave Imniu obtained t!irough the Hawaiian Chapter, Coumiittee to Defeud A»uerica, at a eost of appro. ximatel,v $350 eaeh. This number iucJudes oiie vehicle obtained Uirough the Hawaii Islaud Subcoiumittee of the Hawaii&n, Chapter, as a eontribution of Mr. and 3drs. John 51. Eoss of Hakaluu plaiitution. "The response of tlie people of Hawaii to the appeai for coutributions to alleviate the sufferiugs aud serve the humanitariau needs of the people of Englana has beeu ver.v graUfjiug iudeetl durijiK the sis weeks of Uie existeuce o£ ihe Hawaiiau ehaplee," Mr. Haiualter said. "The coutributlous — both aud amall—have beeu t«ader ed ia a voluaie tliat proves how the peopie of Hawaii are to heed Uie eall to aesist iu ameliorating Uu* condidon of the people of 1-Ufclaad. "Maj* I suggest that prospective reguh\r donors to the Chapter's aotivitie* nuike tf>elr *.'outribuiioiis through aiii oae ot Uie foUowiug nine finauciai insUtuUt«is: Bauk ol Hawaii, Eisbop NaUouai Bank, Aiueiiean Security Bauk. Ēauk, Paciflc Eaiik. Hawaiiau Trust Conipany, Bishop Trust Couipanj, and Houoiulu Xtust Coiup«"V\e uiueh yrel«r Uui doaors dml wUU u£ theae iustittuj»>ttB, U wiU expeilite aud facilitate tlw of Uw fuads," li« added.