Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 36, 1 January 1941 — More Civil Service Exams [ARTICLE]
More Civil Service Exams
The United States Civil Service Corumission has auuounced opea competitive examintttions to flll the positions listed below. Applications iuusr be on tile with the Commla»ion's Washitigton offioe not later Uiaa the ciosing date given in eaeh case. - -' ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING ASSISTANT, $1,800 a Year; Applicants must not have passed th.eir tifty-third birthday 011 the closing dv\te for receipt of api>lications. Ap{Hu?ations will be ivceived until February 1, 194L JUMIOK WAREHOUSE EXAMINEH, $2;000 a Year, (Optional Subjects: 1. Cotton Warehouses, 2. tirain Warehoust>s). Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agrieulture. Applicants must not have passed their fifty-thlrd birtUday on .the closing date for reeeipt of applk'atious. Applkations will be reoeived until February 8, 1941. JUMOH AIHWAY TItAFFIC C(L\TKOLLKIt, $2,000 a Year, Civil Aeronautics Administratioa; Applirants must not have passed their lit'ty-third birthday on the date of receipt of ai>plication. The Age Liiuit does not apply to persons granted militarj" preference because of iiiilitary or navai service, except that such applicants niust not have reached tiie retirement age. Applications will be received until further notice, Copies of the formal examination a-unouncemeuts containiug complete iaformatioQ regarding the esamination ioay be seen on the bulletin l>oartls in the follo>viiijr plac**s: U. Offices ai llilo, Lihue, Kahului, Wailuku, Lahaina, and Wahiawa: Tost Laundry ut Schofield Barracks; l>abor I!oard, U.S. Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, T. H., Hawaiian Ordnance Depot, Honolulu, T. H., U. S. Ungineer Office, Pier 2-V. Honolulu, and in the lobby of tlie Federal Building Honoluiu, T.H. The necessary forms way W obtaiued froni tlie Assistaut Mauagcr in Charge, Branch Office, T\veiftJi U- S. Civil Service T>istrict, Room 354, Federal Building, Houoiulu T. H., or from any of the above offlces.