Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 34, 18 Kekemapa 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
This eolumn is open for cvnlributions. lj you have q good ga£, send il in and ice uill publish it, and give your name the crt'du.—Koko-Nuts.
"Dd j(iu i:et: thp pointV" V:iid th<' (•h.:irging <ireek Kvzone ti> tlie fleeii!!i Halian 'mtun\rywau, as tlie Gr?ek proiltled hhn wieli his bayo- . ivet. WfRD LEAKS OUT SHIPS C,uVOY DUTY. — Nevvspape,' headlit\e. Weil, it's all right as long as the s:iips don't leak. A F!ritish warsliJp is reporte<l to ]i;ive been hit by an It»ilian ssulmiarine. It's jtist anotlier case of liit" and nin. WAR NOTE !talian warships are dismantling thefr" forwAard turrets and puttir»g all guns on the stern. Ali ltalian salvob. are now being fired from the stern. lt is reported that Musso'ini has postpohed his trip to the Greek front because of the de!ay in getting h?s new portab!e ba!cony constructed. polioj-: vice sgi\\n assail-
KM I3Y ]'EX('i:. —Xewspaper heailline. A bett«»r lieadline would liave read "Penee Pouiids Polke." WAIAKEA WILLIE SAYS:
j "The tells us tliat folks j slioulil give a tenth of their ineome to the Lord. liut tlie bible was \vritten hefose tlie days of ineome tax, uneruplo.viuent tax,' gasoline j inx, amusemeiit iax, social «ecuritjI iax and other taxes we now ha\-e. j FolJis \vould \villingly pay the j tenth, if the l.ord \vould reuiove ■the taxes,'' REVISED WAR $ONG : (T>etlicaled to tho (Jraftetys) ■ Y<ui*re 111 the anio' now, . T,uri'v' not l'oliiiul Ihe plow, j You niay fit r ht the Axis ! But vou'n 'noī pay taxes, I You*re in the army now.
HĒR SPIRTT* OP' eiR!S\MAS i * - *i • 1
Lfttle Stream!ines dldn't buy any Christmas Seals this year. She £rays she is saving her money to buy a eouple of young pigs for the family's Christmas dinner. So she's going to buy Christmas squea.ls instead. | " Hawali <lraftees had tlieir fir?t tlril! at Sfhoflēld Barrftetts on T«es (Jay. Some of theni jhave teaTf|fed to turn left ln£tead" of rlglit wi|ea Uie (liill sergesiit glves the ord«?r, "Left Turu'.", The Chrlstmas Stretet Ho*its w«re turned on On ntght. A few of the town'i tladlng lights flot Ht up the sSme nij(ht. l.oeal (laily ls offerlng a prlze for old plioto£i - apli.s Wamla Wafflesron, the helle of Waiakea town, saj's slie has some rnre ones, Btit she's afrald they uiight not look so well in tlie uewspaper. her eolleetion ls very private. , SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:
*'it's too bad most of j the restaurant cooks in . this town old to j
8«t in the army draft. They're great bacon and be%n cookers." Another needed inventīou is & | 01iristiuas neeklie tlujt won'i makei so mueli iuuse, au<i a Cliristmas ei£ur tliat will liurn ou lK>tli ut Uie same iiiue. Japan may ration telephone cails, sa>s a newspaper fil'er. ]
Now if' we cou(d .et iike that put into effec't in #eWfc paper offices on press days, some newspapermen wou!d weleome the innovation. SAD BTORY A very aiok uiun ls Angus Mf\Vliorti»r; While «aillug t<> He swallowed u quarter. BULL-ETiN
"i can't |et ray own people be ! ckttroyed ip orrfer to saVe Uvm of f9relan«rs." — Hitfer Tn h»8 M*owday speee!i. * ; A WAV tO PEACE (riaren'oo Rdwln Fl\nn in .Tudpp) There ie u way to pem o. As cprtaln as enn )>r. If \v»> will tuke Jt. wnr wIH cease, Anrt ovprlastlngl.\. Let eaeh man covet nll 1 Tho other feUo\v's pelf, ! Aml when sh«1l hefafl Go selze \tfor hhn?e)f. Let e'ioh man nuriuro luite s 1 j Aikl eiiinUi", and ilouM; | Anrt when prei>are<V lor every slato! j Ilise iu> uml it mit. ■ Let science bring t» t.trth v Moro wVapopis Ts;itlio thom r«»tl jSt»on we'll have i'ou.'o throughout' tlie (jārth, Because weil all l>e (leail ; Hitler says tKe German people wlll appreclate It if he wīl! waTt !onaer to end the war and "sav«
Just" īike the lrtshman who cut ofr the puppy's ta!f an ineh at a time 'so it wou!dn't hurt him so mueh. ASK DAD, HE KNOWB Ohiiaimaa is ā toveīy tliae * For Daddy—jou sa!d tt— . *Tw!!l lake liiai iuonths to for * Thnt he buys aow on credit. . , YOU*RE RIQHT, SANOY
San d y Mcßh erso n" P « ys he likes cetebrating New Years better than Christmas, becauee it is not necessary to
buy gifts for New Years. Chri«tmaj fs ver-r-ry expensive. r That ow gag about why does a :<*hkrltea eros«s the road should l>e to why does a Parker [maph eow always eross oter i» ffont o£ jour car? Tbou«ajada, «£ traveliug ealeamen atid touriBte have heen asking that que«tioQ for years. We now have «ufflclent evl- - to $onvinee us tbat a, iot folks read this cotumn. We have ' notlced many 'of our reader» looking Bto»my Ihe da> the'paper come's out. la the" old days, 'when a fel!ow t©W a a naughty story, slie WBsh><l. . īn this modern age slie nM»Tnr>rizes lt and then hurrleē along «o "she ean M1 !t to her gtrfs 1 liK SkEISu I">S .AU4IN soos,