Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 34, 18 Kekemapa 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
: ~ Today Only FROM STRACUSE" wiOj Joe'Pennef arid srfaHlia Kaye '' ' A' •'"T^«oi'rōw*ard Tri(Jay- ' ! "VVHEN DALTONS wltn Raod"olpli S<:ott and Kay '"Prancl# ; ' sr • ' 1 ' ' I A,i Uf - *&ur4*x Only , ! 4 *DUIX3Y" with Ann Sotheru and: ' lan'Hitifiter ] Bunday'and M<>nday I "\VYOMING" wlth. Wallaee Beery; and Leo Carfillo * ¥aSwiiy'Orily "STRANGER ON THE THIRD FLOOR" with Peter Lorre. pA3LACE Today t Tomorrow "THE DEyil/S PIPELINK" wlili Hiohard^Ārlē'ta;aYid Andy Devlne Saturday "IN'D4T' w.ith a Oria , "16venina*bnly" wtth īo"O3S£MITStI% HĪME" with Otojmo. Ryutaro. " ftunday ind Mond«y "RATNBOW OTER TIIE RANGE" with Tex Kitte.p "TSE "SEC|jR3OIT* SEVEX" with Bruce TJehnett and Florence Rice Tveioay Only II MARY'LANO ft '*WIth Ttremla Joyce " and"John I»ayae