Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 December 1940 — RAF Does Great Damage To German And Italian Towns [ARTICLE]
RAF Does Great Damage To German And Italian Towns
■■ !Oyi>OX — The r BrltiSh Ro ya! Alr K'oiw was reporleā "Mondaj t« have rairled out ot»? ot the mosī nMepiAK a!r «fft»nslves agAlnst thc A*is |x»wers of \var, sprea<llii| t!anrfnir destrtictīon from Norwaj thrott«th tb« bearl of Derlitn to Ita ly. i Tbe alr mtßlstrj said aniong t!it preat imuil>er of mnitary übjectlvei i r*ided- «flectlTely Saturd&y nlghi r were th« fotsdanier rail staUoi; !«tad wuimuuicftti«ui in I3er |itu, ihe rwyul u»t> iiur wv»ks iu Im iu, Kui), Uie KruiH j work« Ht ttaseu, lienuam; nu<i lax jiwr tuttur*;s ulottg ihe Eunipe&i; | Wi«hsi)' mtuered factories, airauU wirelets« statiou at Yi j kei'o uii Lbti co»sl vert rakn<d. j Xii«t *ir tmuistr.y said oue Britisi] jiH<ui o«iu(eū expiosiotis at Tu*t«i skh«, "iiiere is uo <ioubt «. y.a.s ti%Lut«4je4 severeii. T: AtinHber i>iit>t reported tliat ite 4»aw lires buruiug iuiies awa> I wliUtt nuwiher iiAF boiuher eiaiiu- ) eū <* Uuīieoe ou ihe l'uuUame; >tuiu iieiiia. ile saīd iie saw I iwe» i»««k oui miU he»rd lUe £reai I ilie «ūr iuiuistQ reporteā Lka.t jiuat« Ui<tu a fecore o£ biajtes >vere iu the i'uUtKsir&sse mni Ltdiiicr iī<.-i±ui jdr«is iu atiU j oue e«uiu£, i iU a*ii yf vtluvit werv jveri ] TUe t\s«r iu Uie mmm» ma l«-lw«e *aūi he eouule*! bLaies tu jtlie s*iuie ai>su «.KMi. aftcy> j TUt* KAF re«<.tied iierliu iu jtlie e\euiug, the air said, |UUU s.iUiuUaue<»u&ii oti«er fows mUivkcti ihe Kru|)|) : j iiu ix»ute to U»e r«iūs oue i>ri-, jU<Oi WtuUer was a.tt*cked o\~er Uie, j-Vu-U« hy three Genuau Ju»klu 4t _\>-iuiuute figitu ihe «ir| jiuuūatri ssūu. «ue J uuker »as &hot ( |4vmu, <aaa»r Uie ut«tie forve of ihe raidj w iie*U« w*s & piiot re#ort- ] e*i Uwti U»ere »tts «u namuai j
U«i «iii, iiwe air , | Ui»U> *iUKMiUCt?Ū, J | *Sfce air mKI lkiu*fe ":»iottuT lu-iO.N h ; l**v». *«t \*vrawiii s «r«n uo&nd I pon oti ibe ,4Uu«w «AU also tKuab«ed *g o*a«w *oti r«tl st<Htt*s «I IVit «wi tftws Wx rc JVi>an<\s 4nVe *t <*«■ <M««w , ks <m 0« \V*nm* ikM&ai. u*»Jkvu\** mwt 1 a>mn-ir 1 «lr wUU«r* «kivi «<******» $&**s ia <tifeiaiterW «ltt» <i» *ir *tta Hvr j **** i»o*t «<HKWIS «t Lotk&uj *?*•*«* « pe«ier «lalKni aiiii 4r> ,j «ook» « ««4 fc*rK*. <M*«l f*U u j
menī, and sLe clafōāe«3 I ōutllvēd because iqj' graii(3oioUier gave īue Hawailan wedieine>\ * yu<i«tlwied !ier w)y give my brothers and rfsters ihe sawe treatuient>, she|«yuM not„give uie the rlglii miswer, as she a!s«.i was uiArked wilh fepr aud sorr«vv fx<uaJb£r . . jjttreut,s tire ty hlaiue ' fer tke ileulh* vf tfy>se ch!itlrsu—, as I am stroDgly believing they c&oi.d have saved ag everv, Hawalian was educated as earlv as iu 1836, Klng Kameh&uieha 111*5= reigcu , I liave health,y, but Mt tweut>-two life was chauged for uie. Xhe lia£ard of <hud-l»inli had «oueu ihe he&i o£ wv better self —bul thīough the progresis of the iueUieal scieu«. , e age I have won. ' imm Btti) aiive at tbe age of for-ty-rti to !a»d its **yr«greBs" whk-h prokHi(ired that !l#rht In me we ral! būt I um«t not forget t« »«irkMa that »iy aative herhis huve mim to«»ped me to llve. T m.vMf to throw fear «silfle and to look ujx>Ti my physlclrti af! my !ietpful jm!de, wtiepeas, in loukiug backvv«ril the hMrril»)e i»a•jjgwf'<yf tfty y<Min» Ttfe they have hauntcd nie like fe r host!-. Mf meāleal Mend doctf»rs have niside iiH* ;t - ĪTpro Bioted Uv?njj iy rak tay <s*rn ehlhlwu ln' fhts wwM<.T aiul Lhei' have grv>\vn lv luanlieHnl. I»ul : lhey ltave K'arued |als<* the j.iughi Oieir «K>ther liad underjjone — l*}' | the daily of uu- ; symi>athetk- ton^ue>. I Ido uot kuow ti»eir iuuer selves | whelher or not the.v ar<e a>-hamefj <si [t3fe. Tte en\lronīiiier.t ns> lioiae ts | Qot so plfasiirst tSie i»ast tv, eiitv sLs yenrs whkh Ueitrhed lue of my j>ry perty, iwau* «ud fl»e lov| of mjf «bUdren. I iy«»v u»\ i» >M>t [ vint*td h> lh«tw ihm4(U»uk iu U*« wotid u» Hi,\wir fi* ii» rviif\i ilm of ui«itikiud. u«edk-«l »itt4k»s hoih UMwniian Mitd Kngii«ih inw lneumk} in slnoe 3WI „ 1 w*s a sub«tit\ile uurse v»f t.W Sld Otihu ln«ane ihal tiu«, 1 mmh the firsi sui>posed-u> b« on*9path»sal ihenmM—t!?e statelī uml«a. 34rs. iWry. Tltal a*y &r«f to admiuis?er me-ilk-lee «»d v»tlw first akki to tb# | i *4m4i«4 *dmiiti»ir»ik>u. k*r nuwei «tv w*ii-irai»ed -- ht-r ! i*est |Mtti<Hits *vrt» d*nng s>ouk> ueedieuork i» <ctwlw*Lki£ and sti',U heuuuiu£ Of o>ur»e wen» #ui4«d Uj- ih* U«rt«g hand? v>f tht? mmtrm uml n«iW.
iu 1915, Mutber Berrj' r#tiriā frou) her yutie§ 4u# u> iU-iie«)tb . foi®et tg meoUoa. gotu® crej|īi &> W» A' Scbw«OU«. cMliU»<hhl ph2*kiAsa.) wbo was -lie i«Bi»erUiteudeat ia 1913 uatjl bis <-fciirewti»t yr ilrs. Berri" retlr«4, Hlss Lee m Arwtrosg wae nwluieā 10 €1! W vav*u^ # &li»u w&& e#iāeuL lEQprov«m«&ba ot Lhe swn.li uf ajje were 1d Dr. Aloa*o u. Etkerdt's admMstration ?>■> iiiii better. iisdro£«UJi.> or ratlier ljgpdro-the r»ii»y w&s Tlie yoaflger geuerativn vras hy ii &b<3 soxue of ehe uMer oaee. To be 6j'iupatbetic with t»aes is a pryblem, i>m Lhei' lived hai»yili 1« tlaeir owu wurids 1 a. r<su'iar Lu IBIS, wLeu I twk thf Terrltoriai Civii Ser>lce iesc on June 23, 1916 aad ««km**! ihe exaruS»Btloß w!th per ceat as «0 atte»<iißg nu«e of Lhe lk»&rU of lleallii f«r Oabu l»»saot Asjl>au. I «erred the wor!*J *ar bj tairiag for tdt Tsnft>rfmiat«s !n A«susl, 11*1*. and <Mng soaie oeedl« wori for my \x>y* **orer t^ere ,< . Ta Ā|yll 11*10. I was lake» seri«tts!v HL ī>r. 7 rTvrt* Ot>«y perfi>rme<l a wv» ik*rful o|M'rfiUoi3 yn 3, «inl frtna ffc#ae* wa ī cais Dot rtmy bat T ilk*- <.1&wl»!r.h fti«de 01 e «pilgTbt«- f<»r Hh* jwstt!6a:. ' "
I I U»cAEUf the <MtāI rcii -aXter iWI» w I & dtffsr- „ j eui āelU u£ *ork for —10 2>ei-uīue I* Iki« hoaieaes,aer, £* cyut ucuu£ iuj *iiii pUj&kiaiis ui*- • tt! t!n« day — bas tsih&? n>€ a I h<iiD«:īeadcr 4 ' *«<* a ftrttire TlE<sra!latS[ %%m * | fcr.rttrs? j I svAd 4u» i;eja &Wui Ort; ecsSjai . nuuai itt tfc« ! tltat *•*« wm«;ltaG4 w | i>ralst» the Mnehiae A*« uf «ck&lLftc | kauwled<tf, i h&v* «liii u I Uh< jwe«u UM j«r% 1>« lbc lU«alUi> vliv estlU\e4 !thalh h*?r(fdlL&is U.Uses4»fe. Ai-k |i:*r. 4. CitrU o"l>sgf. he Juh>y&. i. Ileft»re ».iOiSiQ£ iitls «g/i£ede ef |iacus, refer«ii<.-«« &re ln. be e&lm j fr«tu th«se f.:ii«uuv t acjse«fts asd . us; Dr. 3. O'- , l*ajr. l>r. Or*i&. L»r. K<.>Uit\>ct, IH. E>r. tNm«, L>f. L 4 f. Kt oure. I»r. Ton*. I<r. H. Ba£««, l»r. 1- Wi%. I»r. P. WUe. Dr. IL» ,i aaer lk;aso£u i ili T«rdia *»# l& ia Useir j h*cds fv»r Uw pdL«t iweaii eiae , A ewlii jgo«rt U tkt j Snst ajsie?vijaiUl&4 c-r lU*4w» l>r. Artiitir Moariu~wbw sxm Utm u |lu«Te ao i*k »>f woe ,