Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 Kekemapa 1940 — "A THESIS ON HEALTH" By RUBY A. BRIGHT [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


These are tlie referenc-es I reee!ve(! from text boob of Practieal therajpentlcs, by Hobart Ainouj' Hawnn MT>. Had fhe»e rom!d!cai to Hawall.. JU&j. 4f»tum Mgp f my slster of twelve cottl4 httye aur\ ive<l tlie was then oitiy sixteen years, who witaessed and feared death m i| claimed six of them. I out!ined froui a comjuuDiti' of liorrlble diseases and deaths tn mj owu famiiy liousehold. Being Hie ol4mi .afl.d wag fosleted by ma : .wiiiy» ed £raudm»ther J was givea.eve£y ebild'jsjprivnege co live . . Iguor«uice oii Uiese parts ftj iieuiiU yieusures in , d«iitt6iL iu.be tbe i;real £au§& of lu.Uxt»m tn)4 ( xiU' nati\e 1 Ujs4 tu jsauutf wa& tyUff&Ua! m iuj- uiind Hlikii cvun»letei! uia iaiw ieurs„ I waa. boru iieal tly accojc4lafi uii w<">tber's,