Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 Kekemapa 1940 — Army's Morale Division Will Aid "Rookies" [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Army's Morale Division Will Aid "Rookies"

i WASHINGT 0 N — Tli e Army's recently fonned Morale I)i--vision wili atrexxgthc n "the wlll and abiiity of the soldiei to perform his j military dutieB," to eaae traipfres j painlessly into military servlce. ] The jpental attitude of trainees, > niany of whom are uiui?ed to r!gor-. ous physical exem*o and moltaryl discipline, wlil be < arpfuUy watcb-| ed by th« Army in the bellf a Wgh|

iuorale "will prodiK >■ » cheerful and | understanding subonlinatson of fhej Indivldual to the good or the team."| ■nulk of tfce Moiale UMaion'e j aotivities will fall in the reci*eation-1 al spbere, providlng relaxatfon after days of strenuous trasning or to&- ' neuvers. ( | Gen, George C. Marshall, amy s | chief of Btaff, told conimanilers of j the four armies; j "It will taßk thc sklll and wis-, dom of leaders o£ all L-auka Lo moW , j these citUen-eoldi<y s iut.o a unified arniv prei>a,red to accept oheerfuīlj the rigors an,d long hours of tralning, the fatigue of marches, and the discomforts and hardships of service in ihe field." Theatres to Seat 2,000 The Picture Service„ a sectton of ihe Morale ,I>iviston, will preeent ali maJor Hollywood aUract{ou6. A ui'ieal week'» offering at any army theatrfc lllcludes tbree regular features and a doubl« feature. The movie service will be extended to tent 'eampu? and cantonments housing National Guard and selective service nainees. Tt ie pl*nned to hāve tvo theatre buildings at eaeh eantonment» seatīng 1,000 meu eaeh, and at caraps "Big Top" tents will aeeommodate more than 2,000 s»ectators, For troops in the field, MoWle MoUon Picture Unit« will be availal)k. In addition, amatettr dramatlcā t whieh yroved poi'ular at home aud overaean the laat war, wlll be pronioled at aii Army eampe, ! Social ilfe ln the Army wīl\ cfenter. in WorM War days. around tho Serviiv 01ub.>i and the Army iukstesaes. The present program of the Mora!e r>ivisl«i pror!de? for one clilef hot>tess and two A6slstants at eaeh larse eamp. Civllian recreational and welfare agrencies will aspist the work of the Morale T)l\ision. The W*r T>epartment r*cently annou&«ed U ls becomiug inejva&ii)gly dej>endent ui>on such a«encies t partlcul; rly tr cities near large eamp», and wlll ' assist, in *very TMB9&kt>le way legitimate and arproprī*t* whieh ean be esUbllshed ln the victnity of lar*e bodi@« ot troops. M The Morale r>Mslon ts planntng tn »ddttion. *he War T**ftrtin*nt i>»ixuu, m c*teasiv<e ot erB*Mi«d atlileUcs» b«ads,

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