Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 Kekemapa 1940 — Naalehu Theatre [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Naalehu Theatre

Thurs., Dec. 5 MEET THE MISSUS with Victor Moore, Helen Broderiok THE FATAL UOUU wiUi Hori» K#rloff\ >larjorie lieynoUls tt Bcouti* to the Rescuie M , chapter 7 Sat., Dec. 7 <;kxk ai ti;v in <;auoho se«kNAI>K wiih Suiiley Buruette. Mary I*k\ June Storey WLVES NEN'EII KNO\Y wieh Charlie Ruggles Sun n Dec. 8 KI'AOE DOOK &tarriug Giuger Bogers, Kathariue llephum Seleeted Shorts Tue&, Dec. 10 UUTCAST with Wiliiam, Karen Moriey * UUTLAW"S PAUADiSE willl Tlm McC«y j "l>ruut* of Ku Mauehu", vhapter 2.