Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 Kekemapa 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO , ] Today, La#t **THE <iOLDEN PLEECIKO" with Lew Ayres and Rtta Johnson Tomorrow and Friday "lIAUNTED HOXEYMOOy wilh Bobert Montgomery and Constance Cummings. Saturda> Only "THE ' QUAKTERB|I,CK" w ith Wayne Morrls sind Virginia Dnle S"unday and Monday an"d Tuesday "BOOM TOWN" witli Clark Gable,
Spencer Tracy, Claudette Coībert and Hedy Laraarr. ; | PALACE | - '- v^ ' i- - Today Only "SATURDAY S CHILDREN" with , Johu Gailield and ,Anue Shirley Tomorrow Only "KIVEII'S KN ; D" witii Deunie Mor- j gau 1 Friday and Saturday i4 .TASMtN" wHli Roberto Rosales I atid Rosa Agulrre I Saturday Evenlng Only I "TSTTHI M with Kosupi Tsamu and Yamamoto Kaiehl Sunday and Monday "LEATHKR PĪ'SnE;RS" wiih Richard Arleh and Andy Devine "WOMKN WITHOUT NAMES" ,witli Elien Drew aiui Rohert Paige Tuesday Only "MY LOVE ('AME BACK" wit!i OHvia de Hnvllland and .TefFrcy Lvnn