Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 32, 4 Kekemapa 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

This eolumn is open for cnntributions. If you have a good gag, send it in and tce xall publish it, and give your name the credit.—Koko~Nuts.

As ā geslure of patriotisiu, Greek restaurants are not serving spiig}ietti at the present time. 1940 simife: As lonely iookina as a national guard armory for the next year. Greei'e lias her ilettixes uml \vo ]iavc Just plaln taxes. BULL-ETIN

"Ribbentrop said Germans and Slovaks lopo have WQrked for justice an«l, peaee."

SUGGESTED NEW NAMES FOR COUNTRIES AND SEAS Wh*n Hitler Wiris (N'ote we said WHEN) Tlie British Mes— ltritish lleilSs Ireland—Gohring 00-I>raugli. Atlantic Oeean—Adolphic Oeean. North Sea—North Goring Sea, Scotland —Der HeiM.4Uids, English Ohaonel —Nazi eiiannel. Paris —Parsatz. Ormany, France, Be?gium, Luxemt»urg, Holland, Polaml, Denuuirk. —Der Fuhrerlaud, Denmark—Derinark, Sweden —Z\veiden. Xorw«y—Nordiovay. Baltic Sea. —Mein Kampf Sea. H«ngāry—Heingary. Switzerland —Plitxerland, Italy—Mussoly. ltumania--Choral (j<>ebbels. Latvia, Estlionia and Litliuania — Ptirgia. Yugoslavia, Bulg:tria, Turkey and Greece—Ton Hibbontropia. Mediterraneun Sea—oer Platzenl>oof Sea. Httssta—Staliuhesskl t*nited St.ites — nitzenburfc'er. DESERT POME SO. 1«) And here f s "Desert Pome No. One Hun4redjf" How we've written so many We often have wondered.

LAKOK ITALIAN i'OHCE FLEE--INC. WITH AUMB CONE.-Now.s-paper heaeiliue. Lttcky for ihe they stlll had their Another mueh neeaea tnvention is a hotel bedroom door that can*t be stammed. MOD£RN VERSiON Mary §et a trap. Slie luiiie.! Si wiUi rlHV.so; A w«H>k !at<>r an tiwful «noll Wsts \vaftod o!i iho br*H*zo. And ther«'s the ehap who beeame the fither of flirl Iw'na, and named them Kate and DupHAcrordlng: to late>t >var reports, the RAF is timki(i£ junk out of tho Junfct>r-v SOURPUSS SAM SAVS:

"I see wh«r» a New York eoUeoe i> 80tng to tr>- etilucat?on by hypno-

ftWR. W«H, *om« oovernments liav« b««ft tryiria finatKing j>> m«Oic.'' ;


L»ttl« Streaml»nes, the front office "hrains", has taken up flolf. She says it keeps her fresh and fit. We a!ways figured she was plenty fresh without havinjj to take up golf. AN EPITAPH ]fere iio.s \vliat\s left lihoīia Hogg; iiistook a eow For one sinall dog.

Foo!ish question No, 999999: "Sure!y you're not going to buy mt another btfnch of necktle» thFs Chri«tma«, dear?"

OKEEKB KEPULBE FRESH THOOPS.; —Kewspaper headline. That's what they get for l>eing too firesh.

Maybe Spain is just "too proud to


When a down-and-out-er asked Sandy MePher-| son the other day for a dlme and sald, "Beg pardon, sir, hut I've had

nothing to eat for a week," SandjrepHed "Weel, eome back later and tell me how long ye were able to hold oot."

ltaHan \w!ar#hips have flcd from the danger zor\e to a M safe" har. bor, but th« ltaHan army hasn*t been abte to eeeape from the Greek Evzones. LIMMER-HCK What a l«cky j*ouog !a<!y is? Anuīt\ She sits all day bu her (iiheiu)— chair; Si»e's a s**eet liuie toatri>u, With a smile for eaoh i>atrou - And tli«i \vay sbe onna# iraue is uuoanuy. Congrewm*n Martin Diet ts gettmg S o mad at foreign spies that he is beainning to see Red (We could have «!most made a poem out of this.) REVISED CHRISTMAS CAROL belis, jingle bells, Jiugie all the way, Oh, \vliat fun it i9 lo see 'ilm uiu iiuui »*} po.v. WAIAKEA WILLiE $AYS;

• The troubie toda> i« that toc many people overwork their mouth and don*t Qtv« th«tr hand« enoujh to do."

HiU) tKlUor aihuU» tb«t l)c \vas | «iuek wht>u ke rsii acr<&s thc w »n<l! ' K\fevHH-.v" Ut Uis war uew s Ui» j itauli« v :-. lu- suid it «as ul' v".uvV. U> !u , ; , I liow ciaoj > \\ar i.>| uiiiicvx*ssar>. j Now vrbjr di<in*t tbiak of th«( iM?fope? j W*n«U Wa.ffl«iro!% th« b<l'c cf | Waiakea, u)t she v**nU tc get f wm« or th4«c ChrUim4t *«*U but t« won4*rlft4 wh«r* «h« U4O 4 t«m U n*l *«ouih fl»h te feed £ th*m. - Hiticr used to co!or j»kturt } po»tc«rdt, but Ut«U hi« t4kc« s tO ««!&ring MasH>;s:;i ssljs lii» sruu ftii; «ul * ia Uu- lou£ ruu. Te*. it U & 4«viii'

Thc in their. asM-riiotw u >u s U, v IlrUbh| jir* Y»'v. -i vt of Uunu! teecp «llpplni: o\<<r !-«•:■;iii ovorj : ntirbt THK »HIOHT AQf "111 sivr yow !vn!s lr j ou v tl grv>! and y,»ur 1W" a iKH »j to| *«» **». ] "AWi Iwii i! HVKI $ct a baiJvuCī VM fln i iihHlt r'n Kx ! «)MinS» [

j i»u« ruu from Greec*> to lioiue D«r Fu«hr«r wiU fitf»vr hand the %© Kul-aaHa. lf \ou see a aiau wltli a I i\K>k iu his eje these aua lie i hasn t utt,vthittg to saj\ you eau bet uvou'ii honi' soou thai he is iu Ued [ wtth the flu. | LATSST WAR NEW« , KOME P) — Tt»« iuiMn i arn»y lum «4v*ace4 S0 mtie« — | U«ard*

I riur ihe poor Mlows U4ve lo Ut« maU ft\mt Uk* 4K"i.t Ui \«ikiU» \VUii« j *tv w«UUug a»r ii» dblr*lmlU>u 4wtve t<a ait tu Ut« iobbjr oa ltl^» 4 «»i4 UMtrbl« li'« i "mk l'o«ittMM£cr l>cvia«*» iie*rī. W uu l kiu*i pUiU&UmuiUi be j«tWWi to euaiuou* iw pooi' Xi«il Vn>uid | N> otie w«jr df |U« j < a|»irit l S*« Fr*it«*«ce »ttu I «4» n«r . .MiiKKl Lii AS, "AW &m tsr