Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 31, 27 November 1940 — "A THESIS ON HEALTH" [ARTICLE]
Uader tljis lieaU wlli Ih? voasltoriut, of «»is pm-ess._Us trt>utui«*ut jnsa* 1« i>iaced |U two lloes—tlie 4rst \te\'9-, tecl i» tte cure oī the or l iaeiioalion towards tlte disease or [ihe abortioa o£ its earl>' st⩾
that his progress through the āi&-, eases may be made as comfortahle as possibie.
Before doing thiSj however, jt is„ proper to state that prophjlaxia, or. true preventkm is tlie object realty to be sought &fter. Agaiu_it is Uinly true tliat uiauy cases ot ettrijtttbercaloeis are curable.
Recent studies have shown eouclueiveli tliat tuberculosi,B ifi ca-_ pahle of from man to m«n }t alr lailen tylOi tbp 'bacilli is aml Sf tUe are in a flt «tate ot a<a?reSse& vitaiity» from aus tu % vorable Aelil. for tl>e uī,.Uyi ( g«riu an<l Uie <l€volMpm<.ut of U&, lpoisoa. / j Cases of pulmvnary tonsulbpUu«, fyllow, ruik'lj- >iieaking, fyur weU Oefined line>. A M*r\ early siaie soiuetUues tomes to the cai*e Of t]ie, pbjsieian, aud it is that ia wWeh the lotiowins histori~ is gX\exx of ti»e phi'Sician elicited. A previous!j stn»ua aud t>r poor as ttie case maf"
lu' u> h'so viv;trit.v, Life be-j eomea a burtlen and esercls>e Ss-1 A l\ght da!ly ehlll, 1»| aaw&ing or eve»s»£ aiid fever ōeve-j it>t» atif! lbe ivhyi?tc!an Wbo !s c&t£-j less th<f a<? one o? tjie| mild: one. I
f*areful lu>*kc>crj \rtT! $hōvr "an*nrea ln*tWTfmi& g«?-1 uerat3y near tl>e apex or 1 botli wlu n ©f $$lrfttlon wUb h h«r«h Inspiratnrv aounō ts «n/l wlu»ii liu£udr«i'moiu^ [aiHH' or ttulhH>ss, jln otfcsr tftc Rrjy. _ si« is presenl anOI the £tty£fci&B£ niU!?t re<H>rd at oiK-e to active m<i«Lsace« £01:-tUe paiienu . rdtet whieli "will W in & nio-. a*ent- lu auolher fortu» a dx!U a' ;i U»ss uf Bets2i an<l ylgor, with, uK»re prouilneut of ail ( a hard r»niiii 4 su!ltii iu Us, ouset anu rai.«idjljf Ux-v>uīius escf^ive ; vtiih 4»n> ■fust\ osiH'i ioratk«u, a»v Oio io- | uiiuani Ttif wa>Uus is U'xiiaonii«s.r%„ lUe »vveids arv voy- | st;uu, iuul UealU .eoiue ia a |fcw Tlūs £<?riu ix ;;*!• l'-»o £aUoj»iug cimsuuiptkni. | Thc Oiinl varieti is usltere\i io. | l»j* a gradu«l lo® of vigOr or seusajtion K'Uii ti UttU» umve!l, or ls I t>rousht before the pati«U's īuluas
y. suv.uku <n :-->e\or&l tUv , jv-««Hiu*£ uue ttuolh<jy, 3giis vsricU ulou£ 4U, course morc cr Hw rwiHUl4i> Sv»tucilui<es <k"a.th &wt; K*nsucs ftvui u. īaiil luMuonlia^, iīi othcr case& ihe 4iscase eu if«r uKH3ihs &n4 ihe oase Uies froin. ] I Lm*i *»l Aīi, Ute iounk bj , uutO«> ui> oi i*en>ous w h<± . ir«u» IMU lo wi)rse, Firs&, "c«trii » o^ld*\ whieh ou |luu««r liMi U MUght, «iitl a» xvc &$ U«y *r» weli, thls ls foUowu<S bj j.>uwUu?r ou«s wUk'k is faun<l liMieuii u» cure, uulii £mi\\ jis A wūwk* is «Dt! & ioU£ pevjf UH»UUJU> i»r 4tt|rte« «Meli Oke jw\jct"es> of ihe !tm s»w £&%*, m* tA»i. &« *vc?rc. a«U4 ifc«auh efcsu<»* f?vv» i tir i»*fcrr V v::;;-" «a; •.,>;. I I 1%««» teras *tel slsigt« V,S\Y| limwa «mrt*ftwnl, *«> rt>s*. s .!t* ' ♦ r«*«inn <*r u»^V, «f. wtt»i » r*«ir of »&*;] ll* ♦** W*HNR a vx ] **c* 0v«« *< *i?j <sf |»?hK?5s j i|*r«Mftft .^ru;uj tfcyjrt*ulc *w<* M**>U?VN lf! i**w s V.v-o;"; hnM *«w ' wmp* ft;* a*Kt \u, ® 44m»lrf« >•-- -h rv J »*lmik m Ws' >u\s.M*s-*u t ..» 1 4*# «***< *\*SMMOttV- I i Hw» tf tt* ī# fcva;:vi\,j IH li tMNr \h*m iW iw. j Ufcw>.ay thw« \t tW ' l#«Mw » i c.r' \<* «wwfc <ar 4 <*«!* U%.H |lt $ 3^11» «h \vstttUtxsi ! I<# ■;. iV r*V- «,r. X 'm*V Af- ru- fc*r.i *V; v w Cv.. I- oKanp*,"» At- *S,\* sv UR,V' ar>&- s f ty M.x ,■,. ,-t ,; 4- | V*!\ V *