Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 31, 27 November 1940 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

Today, La«t Tlme <'SKY MURDER" with Walter Pldgeon and Joyce Obmpton Tomorrow artd Friday "MY SON, MY SON" with Maile ieine Carroll and Brian Aherne. Saturday Oniy "TOit BKC)\VX'S SCHOOL DAYS" Mk'ith Sir Cedric and F'reddie Bartholoiiiew' Sunday ar»d taoHday 4< THE RAMPARTS WE WATCH" made by the Mardi of Time T«eeday aiid Wedne6day, ne*t we'ek "THR GOLDEN FLISECIXG" with

JLew Ayres aud Rita Jolinson PALACE - 1 -i ■ '-y To«fay Qniy "AitGENTLNK NIGiITS" with the Kilx lirotliers and The Andrew J>isiers Tomorrow Only **ONK (MtOWDKi> NIGHT" wit.h Killie f*eward "PINTD CANYON" with Boh Steele. Friday and §aturday "GUNITA" with Corazon Nohle Saturday Evei;iina Oniy "NAMIHA NO SEKININ" with Kawasuki Hiroko aud Miyake Kuniko "SUUitA YAMA BIKO" witl) Sania no Suke Sunday and Monday "SOUTiI T0 KAUANGA" with CharJes BickfoPd, I 'LIGHT <>F THE WESTERN STARS" with Victor Jory and Jo Ann Sayers Tue«day Only "WII.O CAT lU'S" with Fay Wray and Charles Lang "BULLETS FOR RUSTLEUS" with Chnrles Sturrett |