Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 30, 20 Nowemapa 1940 — Pineapple Bowl Parade Entries [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Pineapple Bowl Parade Entries

HawaU'a Quwu the l&il Pliw «ppie Uowl ciasslc will be etected fiam Uie £touv uf elevea £lrls receutl.v cfaosen at a cainpus wide election at Uie Uniyejrsity of Hawaii. \Vitli Ihe qualification Uial the eotrauts hare soiue Hawailaa t>lDO.d tsiirtv fpur were eaterefl frotn whieh group tlie lucby elevea were chosen. The Queen wiil be selected by popular newspai>er vote firam the group \vLtli the reniuining ten girls forming the Boyal Court. The Qaeeu and her Royal Court will pr«side over all of the exciting and colorful eereinunies aiid eveuu per4ainiU£ tu the I'ineapple Buwl Clas. sic.

i <jirts ciiosea to vie for Qu«ea are Eilzabeth aud IleurieLta Cooper rj Aiueiia Duuc, Wiuoiml lioUiGger, Theluia Kauka, lleiea Ann Smythe, Joaa Burroughjj, Momi Ainoa, Harriet Awaua and Martl»a Servy. j

Waikiki Lau Yee Chai today annotmced its entrj- In U>e 1941 Pineapple Bowl Classic Npw Tear*s Pal īaile-» thus assuring the Parade one iof lts most colorful and ootstaQdtng: fi<tats, K«aturi«if: Ted Daw t tm aud his popa)ar orchestm the float wiii probably be the e<{ual <»f auy in the parade. Kaia Tai Lee, manager of Lau

l'ee Chai auU recentl,v elected to the House of Bepre?eutatives, in «peaktng of tiie Xew Xear's Da* Parade ,saltl, M We weleome the opportunity to as.sert uur patriotisiu In wtter3ng thls parade approprhitē-| !y dpdi(<nieil to tl»e si»lrlt oī Ajueri ' r«nlsT«. The jmrade offers a &p!ea did .oi&wiunU)' foi* tUe vat'bus ra-j tm (tuit tutkt tt|> llawaU tu pruve !«aee a?alu the wor)d at lars« ithat its are firmh flrel(led ia. |the id*a thut of 3>eI rooor«fy «s !n- ihe Coi3st; liuiion «£ tfae L"alted States sliall [ contintip to ?\uve a tlcfiuite iueauiujr. ' In a(Wition tu Lau Yee CUai ilie hav« sipāfied tl»eir iateatioa of euteriu& fiouts in Uie puratle; Wasu' Materi als Corpyraiiui i4 CasUe ii Huwaiiau Piiie, lluuoiulu T huiml, Uie Awtrlcjui Le&hu, ī.o\es Biscyii &, Hrtiail lio ivlulu & X)raj)ū>4£ Inter Island Xavlifaciyu Cv- M aiul At Kara.bkk, lueal ymu»oter.