Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 30, 20 Nowemapa 1940 — Governor May Retire To Take Estate Position [ARTICLE]
Governor May Retire To Take Estate Position
While Goverr..'r Jo§eplv B, Poin-, dexter wIH wadoviMtdly be offered a ■ third lenu as Chief Executive uf the Territorj if lte vvlsiies the ap-, iK>lnuuont, soui\e-s close to TTash ! livgiv>n l'iaeo Oechir«r that he >vill. m>t be availabk> for tUe post. Accordlag to «uiliorlUtiv<? iuutioD, Oovoruor roiavi«sl"er is i». lino for un upiumumeiu as a v>«>toe i>f His!icp K>t;ite aiui that Ue wiil rtyeive Uns lvfore ( las ieiiu exi>ues ia Mareh, HM2. Kuuiors further have H that , cretao Charles M. liile uow in, Wa«iUu£tou atieun»tlng U> **eeure ( the i»romise of the rrej>ivient that lie xvili be appointed vrl»eo, aiul it! i'oiuUexler r«Ures ftxuu, oltiee, Walter F. DUHuiham, wlie, is kuowu to favor Hite for the , «iiiioi, has Hkewise speut severai! weeks iu \VasUingtou, reiK>nedij *it«uaniufi to a*}d l»i« iuHuenee kv th* i>roiMwlttoia[. I lf the?s« si»>uid matertaīi?o nhe l'uiniiihani wouhi noi. on!y l«ve a say tn Uie oit> •d<l <Nmnt,v wUU Mav or- ■ Elect Petrie ia the CHj" Haii, but wouUi aKso hoM a »trou£ posHio« u\' terHtori«l affairs. j