Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 30, 20 Nowemapa 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
The Star Of Hawaii
<?4£ariaia A <Hoo£oata 5 Ka <Hau>aii ISTAR OF HAWAII {Printe<ī in Enolish ond Howaiian)
f:% POAKOLU, NOVKMASĀIo ( 19|0 "" r ■»: .'A S3Ī_< «>• ! K . .-.7! <
No. 20
The Star of Hawaii is publisbed in the interests of tlie Hawaiian people with a view of promoting goodwill and pres«rving the language and traditioas of the people,
Voi. XXXV, Nu. 30
to jfoe HawajanPfeōj3e
HH-O, HAWAII, T. M„ »L 1940.
Tfai» seeU<H& ol K» Hoku O HawkU U 1q tbe Eagliab iaaguage 'or Uie bese&( of tJfei rouoger generatloa, maoy of whom 4ot Bot r«*d tbe Jaa£uage ol.th«>ir Sorefsthera, ju?4 ©jw Cavc«- . l. , «h.
J. R. DIXON, Editor