Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 29, 13 November 1940 — Great Britain Welcomes News Of Roosevelt's Success [ARTICLE]

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Great Britain Welcomes News Of Roosevelt 's Success

ī/0 N DO N — r.roat Hrita?nj" vvas jubHn u t yestor(ī:iy orbr dent Roosevelt's vlctory ln fhe te'l States rresiāeßtial ele<M:fon. J and foresa%v lmmedi;itē nnrt s\ilv i stantially increa?ed aitl for the Brii tish vrar' effort. At tW saiue time, the swlng to Roosevelt was !nterpreted as a cmshfng indictment l>y the Amerieau nation of Hitler tutalirarianisiu Hftd au opport«nity for reaffirmat!on of ■|>emorrarto Meals. It liad l>een staloil in nianjquarters pr!or to tlie oloctton tli.lt Rooltvelt's return for a tliird term woTild be a powerful btow to Tlitlcr. Althougli it alwaj*s wa< omrthaslzed th«t both Boosevelt uml Woiid<?ll, Wlllkle tvere pletlgoil (o a—!st the| nr!t!sli %var offort, Brllons t'onornl-' jly strongt,v favored "<mr ulil and trustod fnend. Rooso\t<H v on the jyrounds of h!g vlgor<.'Us o<in(lonin-J ] ations of ag:gressor aiul i»rovon roa-| (iinesg (0 transform into ae-J tion iu oontrast to Wilikie'ii i)roba-j bly siucere but yet unfuliilled i>ro:ii-!s-es. v Souie q«arters frankly Jistru.stod pome of Wnifcles stipp«irters who \vere rggurde<l ;uHiHriti<h, Groat 15rituin was eonliUonl that the Aniericaus uow would forget tlioir eleolion rivairy, aud subuieri r e their party feelings to uniie in a ( solid bloek behind the rres?ideiit iuj the preseut crisis. It, \v'as lioped ( tliat now that Roofiereli is freed of { pre-eleot!on polft!cal respoiitfibiU- ■ i ies, he may adopt an evott more vigt»rous swyid in suppori of tUei British causs. The first oUUIon* of af-, Iwnoon newH>iipers io 1 news of the JRoos®velt vlotor;> ou tlieir ftymt pages with piotuws <»f tlie ! rresii.lent. "Koosevelt iu: to be I'resident for thlrd terto. But Willkie refuses to give up hope.*' t!:c London Star sald in its headline. i The Londoa Evening Staudard i sai<J, ' Roosqyelt assured of Uiinl ! term iu offlee." Meanwhlle. Lon<!.^n , s! longest air raid, the raids ou the eomlnont and <?erxnar. raiders *hellhi£ British ships in the AUaaUe sceondary positioiis In tlie news.