Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 28, 6 Nowemapa 1940 — American Flag Salute Explained Japanese Schools [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

American Flag Salute Explained Japanese Schools

rx-^mr{n:^rm BU-icti,y A»ericau ceretauny ,for sal|UtlD£ tlie 4J&erican, fla£ in the Japaaeae schoo!s of Haw&il tes beea ly* the Ameiicoaxxaittee of„tbe Aiueiiean X<esioa, Departmeot of Hawaii, »nd haa beeo (lemouistrate<l 5n some oi ihe Japa&ese schools 1b JSftPol»iu, X<egioa jofficials anoou&eed this weet. TMs action followed sotue saJutinjg tlie fol- - the pubUcatlon of a pict«re iu a Honolulu new&i>aj»er sljowin£ a firoujp of Japaueee cl»UUren ,glv- & k»4lM»aa.l as a h'VV£ „1« ilie £#£. Leglon official!i iK>inted out Uuii Uie. j>ro|K.r u>unuer lo $alute Uie fla£ i& io sUnd proudlj ereci auU to offer a l;auU saiute, Japa»ese lanfiuag;e nH'ieiak . expressed interest in this uieiiiod £Jid following a c-ousuHation witli •, Hoaolalu Legioc, Bvi Scout a«U fe--1 tieral olEieiala, a , eeremoni' was i agreed upon,- ' Jaxues E. Maliaitv, Americanaatftoa d!r«ctor for the in Ha

waii, attec<teā a"lawriiber of panese schools ou Oahu, mā «*- plalned ttip p«>oedare an<! tts mēaning to the ebildren tbemselre& The fcoys were to give tiw r«gu»ar B<ty Scoat sa!ate, while ihe ygris iielii Uieir r|g|| h&oōa mm at tfi€> Ume re<āi: lng "Th(» FSedge lo the Fiag." yurther demoDatratton» are planQed.