Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 28, 6 November 1940 — Puerto Rico Now Wants Statehood [ARTICLE]
Puerto Rico Now Wants Statehood
\V A S H 1 .N U X O N - P»jert<j lUean ieaders will cqu<3ucl a r«us ioar-loii£ cuuipaign for statehooU <lespite th<> los& iu fo<teral jjs veuue whieU such & tr*li§ltlQB wouiil brins, tho inierto Kk'&u eouuei] anuoun<,-ed Weclnes<jaj'. Xite eouueil estluwited that $uuehooti wouiii uiean a losg of $U,(X>O,iXK) aimually io federal fun<ls Uor Puona lUeo, | "Aioa ot tUc isian<i's polllkal $h<J j āvfc li&aders ana couviace4, that tho| iUroaU U*Mioiits to be <3|rlye<i from ■ j £tutohoo<l wouia offset the loss of| i i'tKk(ii<l iiuoriial rev«nues whleh the' i lerriuny now is pem!Ued t0 re-| [euiu for loeal use," tUe tra<le eoun-' jcil &aid. 1 i 4>«rl>-two of feuccesiiful de | iuHKmik govera&tenu hav« fullj! iu-«iMivU U* «u<i lt« j>eoj.vle for «MioluKHi. For the fir«t tSm«? 1q j uwu} yo<irs «U of Fu«rto RlcoV iua-_ |iur j»oiUic*i p«riios «a<K>r«c &Ul*-. |i*OMli. | "XUo i*>ri-iiorj s u«*l) re<s>snisjo<i »uu>\tn»nco to ihe Vnite<i ja» h Carri»>oaii <Jefens« base h&s | eucoura£«\i Um* ruerto Ric&u people |i« tu«ir statehv*od camp*i£u' juHUv vig<m>u&lj» *t Uito Uim . . .1 j Aifck> of botU D«mocratifl |«tHi Koi«uWic*.u oaUoual | iUou« rwcogui«ea «ut«6ood M th«l of th« lsia»4' |i«ā<U.ug Ow pwple to Uetter<? th&t* ui«j be wiUUtf to five tbc' Jijui4>*tUti!Uc *»& carxfful | j <.\Uiia *krH Uoii, j