Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 28, 6 Nowemapa 1940 — L.A. Man Gets Contract For New Customs Warehouse [ARTICLE]
L.A. Man Gets Contract For New Customs Warehouse
I The r>onlTftct for eon*tntctton of the proposed Ctistoms Wareh«mse bldg for Hllo, has been nwarded to Fred Yonng, Jr. 4220 1 2 W. Adams Sfreet. Lōk Anjreles, ealiīonila, aeeordinjr to a report suliTnitted to Federal Works Admins-stralor John M. Carmody by W. E. llt\\nolds, CommlPSiOßer of Puhlie I?nildings. The anaotjnt of contrart whieh has been wafle wirh the Pnhlie Buildings AdmißlStratīon is §29,080.00. The rontractōr wlll be permltted 300 eli!endar dnys from tlie date of the "hoUee t6 prooeoiT" Iti whleh to oomplete the pro3eet. Th& new bōll<Jinp was designed fti the offlee of the Supervl?lng Architect of the Puhlie T?ui!dlngs Admtnt.stratlnn for tln' Treasury Department. Administratton of tlie ronstruction eontract wlll bo tlie responsibility of the Offlce of the Supervis--Ing Engineer. A eonstruction engtneer detailed from ihe San Fnm-' ciseo, Oalift>rnia, offi( e of the P. B. A. will eheek Uie work of the eontractor on the projeci at the site. The new U. S, Cusionis Warehouse for .Hilo, Ilnwail. will be a oue storj T htdlding to l.e erocted on ihe re<tangular shar» (l federal slte fronting on Kuhlo Rond, I'rovtding a grouud area of 5.1 I '-! s.iii!ire feet, īhe building wlll nie;iMire S8 feet across the front aiul wi!l have a depth of 66 feet. Aothorißation for the ju-oje<.t was the cost of the eonmaele tmder the Emer£r*Mioy Construotton Prograni Aot >.f and the allotment of Inehule» iraot a* wetl as the ailmintstrattve "vxpe«seis Incurre3 l>v tlio Puhllo nwU<lhi£* .\«ltulnlstruti,Hi.
Th« fucttOc !tio 15 marts<»d W!tlv a <?«?ntnu mo(lt con-J 1 sisting of two large \vn\(iowg otil either slile of a eenml onīmneovrav. Tliis por(iou >>f ihe bundīng' wlll eoniain tho n<limn}stTīithe- offices- smaTler win'low? at e!ther ■ end of the muin faoade inflīcate thc spaoe d«rot< i d to other ■ ties and stor:v_v Chief materi:K to ho «se<T In eonstrurtwn ;iit for tho base, stuoco f<>r exteiior \ralls, - trini metal frawos for the v,imlows. stoi\si an*l . ptatform will N> of ;in<T n pUoho<t oorropu<»<l lron root Tril! covor the onUiv struoturo. On the imorior, ofßoes wiU have ceuietit floors, ooi»ent plasrt>r walls . and iiisvilatton l>oar<l oeillng. Wnro . honsp spaoe \o hswe a ooniont lioor and pla?ter walla. Entrance *U>oh< will ioa<l into a - pnhlie spaoo, wiili a oonntor sopa rating the Jot»tiy froni the g*<noral oiHee. Flankiug * thts »m will W - ofTioo? for the Dopnty CoUpotor, actin< <»au?*r. In ooimnonting on tho dosign for Tiie Hilo W3itvh'mse, Mr. RoynolvU said, "Tlie propoj>e<i Custi>uis Waro honse at Hilo. isuītcates qnite olrar ly the poliov of onr Oowrnniont huiHlin? as <tovclopfd -wlthtn ,vears. RegJonnl trs<9ttions, tastos an<l tmhHs of huUdtng aro Unimrt«nt oonsi«.lorations tn tho ttulldings A(Tm!nlstTfttlon, anO aro oinhoilies In tho <SeSd|ms bv Hs slafT >Vitli thoso nnbt V i-orrolaU\l :v.nr.y other r*>insroii ont> — tho loolmieal noo<ls of tho Jov |orumont or monts*th:\t «w to ho hons*\l. 'ho 'of $tto, tho j '.t\ v>f •...*!(<: .\i> an»l <kt'.\\t v ihei' facun s. K\ :n f |in woh ā i4lsth-oly slwplo ivr\\W»m • ■* .' V,,» . \V.Uv' 1 ;."l O? those olemonu hav« hoon £tvon ] lholr <U>o aiul & { UuoeU wUksu *Ullc t&Uu£ *vvuc*tc ! Uw ut|Uu;i4B t<vhnk\^, helou** uumUiaknWi Ui TI& . ] li*u*lu« w\>rk vwrkor» ot: UiC l\\Sors| Oo\«nU»VUt thivugh om tlu- raln\i *n<l U> tor' iUojrSos 1!«' oiA}or of ! irvctK«», ni4Uiton&&ct\ ' M*Mi j*wrf\ww<| by \h* TS»Wk| K\pcr» ■ an<t trfttxvfst «>Thl \ »ritt th-A* i«vrs of ImlHHne*. n»otv than JW of *hkh j | t?*SX j
, IVKYO. Nv\. 4 i:& hwUl* u M«kiU* U« V«Uu\ XttftU »W4«l U«kA V;«W* »«v4lv? o u*. k& V*oVoa» Vo >,^ v mcī i l,oio «ikA &V\t «o U C V« U r