Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 28, 6 November 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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This eoiumn is open for contributions. // you have ā good gogt send it in and we ivill publish it, and ghe your name tke credit, —Koko-N uts.

put in tlie oar?" "\Yife : ' Ni>, dear, tJie indicator points to half, iind I thou£ht per haps you"d tell mo whetlier it is balf full or half ei»i>ty." HYMN OF HAT£ A flfrl we hat« Is Nellie Jones; She sa>s. "1 love Those saxophones."" SUCH LANGUAGE

The man wsio hit Candidate Wen. dell Willkie with an eg}r !ias apologiL'd. Whieh was egg-xactly the proper thing to do. Favorite sandwich of the polltical candidates: Baloney. Another needeil Jnventlon is i>umething that \viU keep foo!Ish l»eople from askiiij: sueh a silly <iuestion as this when they see a meiiii>er of the county band in uniforin: "Is the band going to play?" One of the freiflht hand!ers on the Waialeale is so dumb he tried to put the elephants' trunks in the baggageroonh when the Fernandez animal show eame over here. DESERT POME NO. 96 Across the lone desert Slo\vly drives poor ohl lMek; Of that bumpy road He's getHng quite siok. Imagsnē Jf thls were London. We could expect the poliee to be telephoning something like this; "'EHo,'ello! Is this Mr. Ware?" "Hi sye, ole topj are you theah, Mr. Ware? w Overseas soldiers of the last \var will celebrate Armistiee Day nt the Hilo Cwuntvy <luh ;his yo;ir. The Uieiue song of the progr;un naturalIy will be "Koll (.iut tlie Barrel." , AN EPITAPH Beneath this green sod Lies a fellow named B!airj He asked the wrong man lf his name was "Ham* Ware. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"One of the easiest thiugs for <iictators to <lo n«wucl;iys is tWnk up

«scuses to ii!v;uU' some little eountry." MOD6RN VERSION Twn Filipitios woni up th(? hlll To buy a C«oa Cola; One feii down aiui l>roke his cro\vn Aiiti ihe oiiu'i* foi! on hlg bolo. Foolish question No. 11111111: Ha» the Fernandez circus r«aisy flot a!l those thmfls īt adv«rt?#e«7 IT DOESN*T MAKE SENSE (Frota an < AtJuuisas paper> "Miss Mary lmuik, a Batesville belle of 20 Miuniior.s, i.>- rlsltittg her twin brothei- Wiliiam, aged $2." BUi_L-ET«N

• » "i wou»drt't ihink of aceepting a fre« p«s« to the clrtu«.*' I!er»>"s !.mv om HUo nterohant ahoin way rxist«Mri-' ers pay t!u v ir bi!ls: i "You nwti ,vonr )iu>tu\Y, ī newi : If both <«urs It surf wtn Ik> ftm\ But lf JOU K»'i >OtlW An«S hi»k! »iiin\ U»o t Wl»at in itif \vorSiJ auī I tō doT WAIAKfeA WiLLIE SAYS;

<t th« »t4f but th«t U «i? khiw cffic« e'eik? f kno*» fe< eonlinuā' icaf w NOT A BRA!N CCLI WDISKtKō m>!U u$ thls aw' "T v .' sv>wr

Wlieu Little Streauilines gots ] real mad she always hollers, "lioulder!'" She says that's the bigge§t dam sli<? cati think of. " ] Sifln īn a country restaurant: IF OUR STEAK IS TOO TOUGH FQR YOU, GET OUT; THIS IS NO PLACE FOR WEAKLJNGS. The Xugoslavs snys they wlll rvxuaiii ueutral wliilo fsrecoo tnul Italij;ht it out. Oh, yeali! That*s wlial THET think. MEXICO LfFTS BAN ON JAPAN.—N«wspaper headline. "Ban-zaii" Le\vd inu£&ziues are heing lianned froui Honolulu newi? stnnds. Tiiat doesu't leave uiuoh for folks to read. ! HE DOESN'T MINO WORK

S **fi d y McPherson uy< he thinks the Welfar« Drive is a gr-r-a-nd thing for the eommuni- | ty, and he'# wiiling to ,

«lonate hi« servic*& m helpmg to collect th« fund». $andy hkes to see other peopt« loosen up wlth j heaithy donatton«. , Five mllHon Greeks can*t be j wro»g. . j Wanda Waffl*iron, the helie of | Waiakea, i« very mueh interested in the circu« anlmals. She waik. ed a miie yesterday to see the cam*i. liiue to feed the elepliaiUN BEWARE ,Mil WARF.