Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 27, 30 October 1940 — LEGAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS 6STAT6 OF JACK KEOLAMAU, Not!re l>ereby glven, thst ar <w*dltors of Keolamau, <k v c**a$e<1, ]>rese»ii or their «.lalui? and w!th |M\>per \wirtws, or iiuly autīientieat«><l oo ples thom>f, em the elaiui or HMnw aro s* vurei! l\v oi, r<»al . k» the undersi}r.!et! a: thls ?n the l?ums EuiUUn^ !wtio. Wavraii. wlthln four n»outl;s !from the ?tato of the first fuMV.»a|tfc» of this uotiee or wlli K forever T>»Uh1 «( m?o, HawalL thi> ,! dav o? Ootobot. A. ī\ 1?V4tV W H. tV*-rv, <Vt No\. tS. 20—l$*\