Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 26, 23 October 1940 — LEGAL NOTICE [ARTICLE]

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.V t >l^ua*:> : - M o^iWe' for !?\e kitnS of i»osUsons nsto\! Wv wH' \v aovVj,UtHl at t)»o ofTu< of tho Oh i! S«?rvivx v t"oar.:j . f H.mu; Is, OoUU^ ltuVK!īn;:, HiU\ Ilawnii īaloi tb s i:; tVo 'ust' ,;r 4 \\ īlnw Voro>,, rr :! o; Nov\n»iVr li\ n» SV,m ' ] tX»<M:NIVnON NO, \$ POR» t*XTIioI.MAN MŌTOIU\\ tOpcs \upifieUU\e MOTtMu i \TIUM-MAN, ws*nicr or K\r IN^ līi. .»N jo*r£ >< n««\lnmut MS!-.Sv, . ?f<o jy l h UKIW» TUArrh i\iijvK A«c I-ua>. 2U v . , _ x \_ _ mwi bc $uu* v >t 50( v ' ' WX\ To?- -• v* U*««vi UUM „1 ' :. , v ; c CS«U3U <$ lU%au W i;-r«x\\Uii4 i- . *hmi |--M. ,. V S 'W %\\o;'£, io or. "'- ;S ."<'■ ;> of tv«iuituUsMu ' <ys<« ia Ar.ivotr. ,v. o-u Vo*c4. \ l*«UOißfcJhk» iU TVK„- *~:t , -i l| v *t I**l* W U.uAh*. Ku K***, V, !><«&s!** aki,, ] <v w ;>{ »4xv ,sV*UvHuk. , *K* UA« \\t 2« Hk\> ]

<*ur Dational splrit iiftā our naiional strength." FoJlowiiig th»* text of President Uoosevelt's <īay a-el <iress: "Ou ihis Oiiy nu>re than 1C,000,WM) y<iun}r Amerirans are revivlo| the īiWd of the mus ter. T3ie.v are ol»eyi»g the first dHtj of fr«f citizenship by whieh fronj the ©arliest eolonial liuiee ever\ al>le-bodied citizen is subjeot to tl»€ eau to service iu ilie naiiooal de teuse. i *lt is a ii»iY deej> and purjK»seful in meaniug in the lives of all ot us For on īhis day we Aniericans pro elaim the viiality of our bistory ihe sinjrleness of our «ill and tht unity of our nation. "We pre]iare to keep ]iea<-e in thi; New Wor!ti whieli free men buil! f«ir friH' men io liw lu. The L"Dite>. Stales, a uiillou uf i:{U.IKK»,!XX> peo ple. t<ni)iy hs« oiil} alK>ut ha?f t n.illiei!! offU«*rfr aini in !*s nrnn an(i naiiona! jruard. (Mher iiations KiiiaiU'i* th iiojmi;>ti(>n, have four live hik) >i\ nullion traintHi ine» Sii their armies. "tiur jireseiit projrrani wiH trait S(M.MWU additi<inul iaeti in the eom i ing year and s»tm«-whiit lokm thur i iiH'ii in oaeh year Uiere | after. The jtroj;rrtni otiv īōusly h one of <īofci)Sive i>rt'iiar«tson. j ' This flay's dtity v has impo.s

«*l upou us frtnii wllhouL Thsse wi)i> il;iivil u» t]ire,i!vii fbe •wlk«S(> *ortcl with war, who !iav« emnwl ilk s nuuu 1 aiMl of tol«l w*r tave ifaposed uj>on ss an<i all f*ee the n<wesslty of prep& miion for

Am<r<lin:r n> W!.»ru from Washing toe >e«terday, Deiegate Samue W. Hiojg has beeo ife&s llie board uf anui , t'Ui;ixtetrrs īha: approvt'd prfliuiiuarj - j4uiis fi>r il»i W»UodlliU< Swi cyi;irv<l iiUi* U tmlcrini fu,ii im«